Edgar Rodriguez
Edgar Rodriguez
> Same behavior testing 11.2.2 on Ubuntu 20.10. When dragging a file over [electron-quick-start](https://github.com/electron/electron-quick-start)'s "Hello World!" app, we get a DnD copy cursor which is misleading given that the drop...
> It took a bit of time, but with `v2` `OverlayScrollbars` should work with all virtual scroll libraries. I've created a small example for `FixedSizeList` here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-8glpkm?file=index.js and also an...
@robertdp it is also used in https://github.com/jonasbuntinx/purescript-react-realworld/blob/ceb76ece30fbb754b2d152686930e1f137900e4b/src/Conduit/Component/Routing.purs#L13 which is the example project for `purescript-react-basic`
I struggle with cache and optimistic updates, specially when I have: fetchAllOfX -> Saves in one cache CrudOfX -> optimistic update/cache invalidation to fetchAll might not work because I cannot...
It seems to happen when switching from, to and between stories with pseudo, the configuration persists.
It still happens in 3.1.0; it is not an issue with chromatic, only during manual testing.
Downloaded and tested the project, works fine, maybe is an issue with Vite in my configuration? ```ts /// import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'; import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import sassDts...
It seems the bug happens when I use CSS Selectors: `parameters = { pseudo: { hover: ["button"] } }`
Seems https://github.com/chromaui/storybook-addon-pseudo-states/blob/cab0bc6e8f944f0915cded5158d4635d9dedbc23/src/preview/withPseudoState.ts#L162-L172 runs twice, first with old parameters and second with new parameters The first time, it adds pseudo-classes. If it ran once, with the latest parameters, the problem wouldn't...
> You shouldn't have to set currentTime back to 0 before attaching it to the player, but you might want to call `load()` on it to make sure the src...