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React-simple-portfolio copied to clipboard

Sort, Simple and easy to modifiable react portfolio🚀

React Simple Portfolio

Intro GIF

Getting started

  1. Clone the repo git clone or use the template by clicking on "Use this template"

Intro GIF

  1. Go into the project directory and install the node modules by running npm install

  2. After successfully installing all the node modules run npm start

You should be able to see the website running in a new tab on http://localhost:3000/


For user simplicity I created a central file where you can add your info which will be reflected on local/prod.


  • In the Experience section you can add your work history. For that, you should go to /src/ExData.js, where you can modify the JSON according to you.
const workHistory = [
    companyName : '..',
    role: '..',
    duration: "...",
    workDes: [
    exposer: [..] ,
    link: '..',


  • In the Projects section you can add your Project. For that, you should go to /src/projectData.js, where you can modify the JSON according to you.
const projects = [
       title: '...',
       image: '..',
       description: "...",
       tools: ["..",".."],
       github: '...',
       link: '..',

The same customisations can be implemented in the skills and main sections. For that you can refer to the file src/ and src/SkillData.js.

If you would like to add any skill which is not mentioned, then you will need to download a svg for the skill logo, for that you can refer here.