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This is a test automation framework designed using Playwright and JavaScript.

Playwright and JavaScript Setup Guide

Features of this framework

Getting started


  • Download and install Node.js
  • Download and install any Text Editor like Visual Code/Sublime/Brackets

Setup Visual Code

  • Install GitLens Extension from the Marketplace: GitLens — Git supercharged by GitKraken
  • Go to Visual Code Preference > Setting and search formatOnSave and enable/ON it.

Setup Scripts

  • Clone the repository into a folder
  • Go to Project root directory and install Dependency: npm install
  • All the dependencies from package.json would be installed in node_modules folder.

How to write Test

  • Add new spec under e2e-tests folder
  • Name the file as .spec.js (e.g. home.spec.js)
  • Create folder under page-objects/pages as (e.g. homePage)
  • Under page folder create constant, helper and page object file.
    • .constants.js (e.g. home.constants.js)
    • .helper.js (e.g. home.helper.js)
    • .po.js (e.g. home.po.js)

How to Run Test

  • Go to Project root directory and run command: npm test
  • If you want to run e2e tests then run command: npm run e2e

How to Update local npm packages

  • Go to Project root directory and run command: npm update

How to view HTML report

  • Go to Project root directory: ./playwright-report/index.html

How to view failed test screenshot

  • Go to Project root directory: ./test-results/

Sample Allure Test Report

Playwright and JavaScript Test Report

Playwright and JavaScript Test Report Expanded View

How to run Test on SauceLabs

  • SauceLabs Quickstart
    • Set Environment Variables:
      • Open Terminal
      • Run touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
      • In TextEdit, add
      • Save the .bash_profile file and Quit (Command + Q) Text Edit.
      • In Terminal echo $SAUCE_USERNAME
      • In Terminal echo $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY
    • Configure: saucectl config
    • Run tests: npm saucectl run