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double release: 从 -forwardInvocation: 里的 NSInvocation 对象取参数值时,若参数值是id类型,我们会这样取: id arg; [invocation getArgument:&arg atIndex:i]; 但这样的写法会导致 crash,这是因为 id arg 在ARC下相当于 __strong id arg,若这时在代码显式为 arg 赋值,根据 ARC 的机制,会自动插入一条 retain 语句,然后在退出作用域时插入 release 语句: - (void)method...
1 2 4 8的判断方式有问题吧。。
勾住CMessageWrap 程序崩溃 WeChat If the class has overridden the `-[WhateverClass forwardInvocation:]` method, then calling the `class_addMethod` function will lead to fatal error. However, `class_replaceMethod` will act like `class_addMethod ` if there isn't...