gohttpserver icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gohttpserver copied to clipboard

The best HTTP Static File Server, write with golang+vue


Build Status Docker Automated build

  • Goal: Make the best HTTP File Server.
  • Features: Human-friendly UI, file uploading support, direct QR-code generation for Apple & Android install package.

Demo site

  • 目标: 做最好的HTTP文件服务器
  • 功能: 人性化的UI体验,文件的上传支持,安卓和苹果安装包的二维码直接生成。

Binaries can be downloaded from this repo releases


Tested with go-1.16




  1. [x] Support QRCode code generate
  2. [x] Breadcrumb path quick change
  3. [x] All assets package to Standalone binary
  4. [x] Different file type different icon
  5. [x] Support show or hide hidden files
  6. [x] Upload support (auth by token or session)
  7. [x] README.md preview
  8. [x] HTTP Basic Auth
  9. [x] Partial reload pages when directory change
  10. [x] When only one dir under dir, path will combine two together
  11. [x] Directory zip download
  12. [x] Apple ipa auto generate .plist file, qrcode can be recognized by iphone (Require https)
  13. [x] Plist proxy
  14. [ ] Download count statistics
  15. [x] CORS enabled
  16. [ ] Offline download
  17. [ ] Code file preview
  18. [ ] Edit file support
  19. [x] Global file search
  20. [x] Hidden work download and qrcode in small screen
  21. [x] Theme select support
  22. [x] OK to working behide Nginx
  23. [x] .ghs.yml support (like .htaccess)
  24. [ ] Calculate md5sum and sha
  25. [ ] Folder upload
  26. [ ] Support sort by size or modified time
  27. [x] Add version info into index page
  28. [ ] Add api /-/info/some.(apk|ipa) to get detail info
  29. [x] Add api /-/apk/info/some.apk to get android package info
  30. [x] Auto tag version
  31. [x] Custom title support
  32. [x] Support setting from conf file
  33. [x] Quick copy download link
  34. [x] Show folder size
  35. [x] Create folder
  36. [x] Skip delete confirm when alt pressed
  37. [x] Support unzip zip file when upload(with form: unzip=true)


$ go install github.com/codeskyblue/gohttpserver@latest

Or download binaries from github releases

If you are using Mac, simply run command

$ brew install codeskyblue/tap/gohttpserver


Listen on port 8000 of all interfaces, and enable file uploading.

$ gohttpserver -r ./ --port 8000 --upload

Use command gohttpserver --help to see more usage.

Docker Usage

share current directory

$ docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 -v $PWD:/app/public --name gohttpserver codeskyblue/gohttpserver

Share current directory with http basic auth

$ docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 -v $PWD:/app/public --name gohttpserver \
  codeskyblue/gohttpserver \
  --auth-type http --auth-http username:password

Share current directory with openid auth. (Works only in netease company.)

$ docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 -v $PWD:/app/public --name gohttpserver \
  codeskyblue/gohttpserver \
  --auth-type openid

To build image yourself, please change the PWD to the root of this repo.

$ cd gohttpserver/
$ docker build -t codeskyblue/gohttpserver -f docker/Dockerfile .

Authentication options

  • Enable basic http authentication

    $ gohttpserver --auth-type http --auth-http username:password
  • Use openid auth

    $ gohttpserver --auth-type openid --auth-openid https://login.example-hostname.com/openid/
  • Use oauth2-proxy with

    $ gohttpserver --auth-type oauth2-proxy

    You can configure to let a http reverse proxy handling authentication. When using oauth2-proxy, the backend will use identification info from request headers X-Auth-Request-Email as userId and X-Auth-Request-Fullname as user's display name. Please config your oauth2 reverse proxy yourself. More about oauth2-proxy.

    All required headers list as following.

    header value
    X-Auth-Request-Email userId
    X-Auth-Request-Fullname user's display name(urlencoded)
    X-Auth-Request-User user's nickname (mostly email prefix)
  • Enable upload

    $ gohttpserver --upload
  • Enable delete and Create folder

    $ gohttpserver --delete

Advanced usage

Add access rule by creating a .ghs.yml file under a sub-directory. An example:

upload: false
delete: false
- email: "[email protected]"
  delete: true
  upload: true
  token: 4567gf8asydhf293r23r

In this case, if openid auth is enabled and user "[email protected]" has logged in, he/she can delete/upload files under the directory where the .ghs.yml file exits.

token is used for upload. see upload with curl

For example, in the following directory hierarchy, users can delete/uploade files in directory foo, but he/she cannot do this in directory bar.

root -
  |-- foo
  |    |-- .ghs.yml
  |    `-- world.txt 
  `-- bar
       `-- hello.txt

User can specify config file name with --conf, see example config.yml.

To specify which files is hidden and which file is visible, add the following lines to .ghs.yml

- regex: block.file
  allow: false
- regex: visual.file
  allow: true

ipa plist proxy

This is used for server on which https is enabled. default use https://plistproxy.herokuapp.com/plist

$ gohttpserver --plistproxy=https://someproxyhost.com/

Test if proxy works:

$ http POST https://someproxyhost.com/plist < app.plist
	"key": "18f99211"
$ http GET https://someproxyhost.com/plist/18f99211
# show the app.plist content

If your ghs running behide nginx server and have https configed. plistproxy will be disabled automaticly.

Upload with CURL

For example, upload a file named foo.txt to directory somedir

$ curl -F [email protected] localhost:8000/somedir
# upload with token
$ curl -F [email protected] -F token=12312jlkjafs localhost:8000/somedir

# upload and change filename
$ curl -F [email protected] -F filename=hi.txt localhost:8000/somedir

Upload zip file and unzip it (zip file will be delete when finished unzip)

$ curl -F [email protected] -F unzip=true localhost:8000/somedir
{"success": true}

Note: \/:*<>| are not allowed in filenames.

Deploy with nginx

Recommended configuration, assume your gohttpserver listening on

server {
  listen 80;
  server_name your-domain-name.com;

  location / {
    proxy_pass; # here need to change
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_set_header  Host    $host;
    proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

    client_max_body_size 0; # disable upload limit

gohttpserver should started with --xheaders argument when behide nginx.

Refs: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#client_max_body_size

gohttpserver also support --prefix flag which will help to when meet / is occupied by other service. relative issue https://github.com/codeskyblue/gohttpserver/issues/105

Usage example:

# for gohttpserver
$ gohttpserver --prefix /foo --addr :8200 --xheaders

Nginx settigns

server {
  listen 80;
  server_name your-domain-name.com;

  location /foo {
    proxy_pass; # here need to change
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_set_header  Host    $host;
    proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

    client_max_body_size 0; # disable upload limit


How the query is formated

The search query follows common format rules just like Google. Keywords are seperated with space(s), keywords with prefix - will be excluded in search results.

  1. hello world means must contains hello and world
  2. hello -world means must contains hello but not contains world

Developer Guide

Depdencies are managed by govendor

  1. Build develop version. assets directory must exists
$ go build
$ ./gohttpserver
  1. Build single binary release
$ go build

Theme are defined in assets/themes directory. Now only two themes are available, "black" and "green".

Reference Web sites

Go Libraries


The old version is hosted at https://github.com/codeskyblue/gohttp


This project is licensed under MIT.