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The Reading List in AngularJS


This project was generated using Yeoman! To run the app, clone this repository and run the following:

  1. npm install (go get a drink)
  2. bower install (blow your nose)
  3. grunt serve

You should now have a window open in your default browser pointing to http://localhost:9000. Changes that you make should automatically trigger a reload... Go ahead, try it!


When I have read or want read a Book, I can add it to a Reading List so that I won't forget about it.

A Book should have:

  • title - a text field
  • authors - a list of names
  • ain - the AIN from (optional)
  • review - a few paragraphs of text
  • rating - 1 to 5, like stars (or tomatoes)
  • genre - a name like "fiction" or "non-fiction"

I can view a list of all the Books on my Reading List so that I can see which ones I've added.

  • For each Book, show:
    • the cover image (from
    • rating (out of max)
    • the title
    • author byline
    • review text
    • genre(s)
  • Link to
    • the cover image
    • the title
  • Display in the order they were added to the Reading List
  • The URL for a book cover image from can be generated, given the AIN:{{book.ain}}.01.ZTZZZZZZ.jpg
  • The URL for a book on can be generated, given the AIN:{{book.ain}}

I can edit a Book on my Reading List so that I can add or update the information about it.

  • Essentially opens the "New Review" form for the existing Book

I can mark a Book as "READ" or "READING" so that I can remind myself which ones I've already read.

Add currently to Book, a state indicator of "UNREAD", "READ" or "READING"


  • Don't forget to update the "Edit Book" form!
  • Maybe provide an easier way to update than editing it?

I can sort the list of Books so that I can see which ones to read next.

The list of Books can be sorted by:

  • date added e.g. oldest to newest
  • alpha by title
  • rating e.g. higest first, unrated first

I can filter the list of Books so that I can

The list of Books can be filtered by:

  • state e.g. "only UNREAD" or "not READ yet"
  • reviewed e.g. "review" is not empty
  • "good reads" e.g. ratings greater than "3"