codesandbox-black-vscode-theme copied to clipboard
New color scheme
This is a question not an issue.
The new codesandbox color scheme is not great. Is there an option to select the previous color scheme without installing an old version?
Is there an option to select the previous color scheme without installing an old version? Not really, the best way is to install an old version
We're still testing out the theme, can you say what parts of the theme do you not like?
Hi @siddharthkp , Thanks for new theme. I really like it, but I am using your codesandbox theme since last 1 year for my react, node & go projects. I am very addicted to old theme v 0.2.1.
Very difficult to change my instinct for all three languages.
For example: In react, I am not able to distinguish unused variables easily. In go project, very slight difference between struct variable and comments color.
If you can improve those areas, I can think to try new one.
But, please let me know, if any option to switch to old theme.
I was thinking to switch to codesandbox theme, but this theme has slight light grey background, so I want to stick to your theme as it's background is little dark grey which makes my eyes relaxed for long hour coding.
Thanks again & really appreciated for providing this old and new theme.
Any VScode config setting would be helpful.
Installing old version:
- Run command "Extensions: Install Specific Version of Extension..."
- Select CodeSandbox Black
- Select any version prior to 1.0
@guilhermebpereira Thanks. I never new this feature of VSCode. Changed it to 0.2.2.