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Minifier of js, css, html and img

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Minify - a minifier of js, css, html and img files. To use minify as middleware try Mollify.


npm i minify -g

How to use?


The bash command below creates a code snippet saved as hello.js.

Simply copy + paste the code starting with cat, including the EOT on the last line, and press .

$ cat << EOT > hello.js
const hello = 'world';

for (let i = 0; i < hello.length; i++) {

Use the command minify followed by the path to and name of the js file intended to be minified. This will minify the code and output it to the screen.

$ minify hello.js
const hello="world";for(let l=0;l<hello.length;l++)console.log(hello[l]);

You can capture the output with the following:

$ minify hello.js > hello.min.js

Minify can be used with async-await and try-to-catch:

import {minify} from 'minify';
import tryToCatch from 'try-to-catch';
const options = {
    html: {
        removeAttributeQuotes: false,
        removeOptionalTags: false,

const [error, data] = await tryToCatch(minify, './client.js', options);

if (error)
    return console.error(error.message);



For cli use these options can be provided in a JSON file named .minify.json like so:

    "html": {
        "removeAttributeQuotes": false
    "css": {
        "compatibility": "*"
    "js": {
        "ecma": 5
    "img": {
        "maxSize": 4096

minify walking up parent directories to locate and read it’s configuration file .minify.json.

Full documentation for options that each file type accepts can be found on the pages of the libraries used by minify to process the files:

  • HTML:
  • CSS:
  • JS:
  • IMG:

Minify sets a few defaults for HTML that may differ from the base html-minifier settings:

    "removeComments": true,
    "removeCommentsFromCDATA": true,
    "removeCDATASectionsFromCDATA": true,
    "collapseWhitespace": true,
    "collapseBooleanAttributes": true,
    "removeAttributeQuotes": true,
    "removeRedundantAttributes": true,
    "useShortDoctype": true,
    "removeEmptyAttributes": true,
    "removeEmptyElements": false,
    "removeOptionalTags": true,
    "removeScriptTypeAttributes": true,
    "removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes": true,
    "minifyJS": true,
    "minifyCSS": true
