We should establish a consistent naming scheme for our document.title to help users know where they are.
I want to: - [x] View all algsets for a puzzle - [x] View all subsets under an algset - [x] Add a subset under an algset - [x] Edit...
This issue purely exists for discussion: will be marked as closed when implemented down the road. We need a way to make newer votes matter more than older votes. One...
This should have support for: - Listing users' saved algs - Categorizing them into algsets - Filtering algs based on user specific tags - Users should be able to view...
Under `/puzzles/:puzzleId/` we need to render a list of the root algsets for further navigation.
`/users/` User friendly page to render possibly thousands of users Should also take users to a very basic user profile page.
Include google analytics. The fact that this is a react app should be kept in mind. We'll need to use a react port of GA to hook into react-router page...
My proposal to support various puzzles would be that the colorscheme is a user-puzzle-colorscheme table where colorscheme is an array of colors.
Finalize the MVP's routes and deciding on the overall appearance of each page.