coder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
coder copied to clipboard

Provision remote development environments via Terraform

Results 525 coder issues
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- Added a command to allow a user to upgrade their 'coder' binary directly from their coderd deployment. This allows users to easily swap out coder binaries as they work...


### Roadmap for August This is not a hard commitment to all of the items presented and other items not listed may also be worked on. This is an experiment...

## Problem statement I'd love to be able to create templates with the following names: - Proxmox VM - Proxmox Container - Standard Dev Bundle - Bare Dev Bundle -...


The way "open folder" is implemented is to set `window.location.href` with the `folder` query variable. Manually editing the URL, manually calling `window.location.href`, or even just reloading the page can also...

As a big-deployment administrative feature, schedule controls should be in our enterprise version. The specific flags are: - `--max_ttl` - and `--min_autostart_interval`


This PR adds some light documentation on how to develop inside a Coder instance using the Emacs editor. It documents what I learned using Coder in Emacs for a few...