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Web application platform

Results 30 platform issues
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## Description Implement a button to reload current page or component. This reloads all elements, state, re-runs pre/post actions. ## Video or Image ## Related Issue(s) Fixes #3193

## Video or Image ## Related Issue(s) Fixes #3206

## Description ## Video or Image ## Related Issue(s) Fixes #

## Description ## Video or Image ## Related Issue(s) Fixes #

## Description - Adds Component Development Service use case - Refactor some query hooks for consistency ## Video or Image ## Related Issue(s) Fixes #3371

## Description of Bug ## How to Reproduce 1 - Create component 2 - Open editing in component builder ## Video/Screenshot Showing Bug ![image](

## Description - The primary goal is to test out our component builder, I'm sure there will be errors. We can create separate issues and fix those bugs - Each...

## Description - `RuntimeElementProp.getActionRunner()` should be moved to `RuntimeStore`

## Description Currently it is only possible to select width breakpoints (mobile, tablet, etc) only for page builder. It is not available in components builder. Moreover, the component builder seems...