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Command-line tool for manipulating CSV data

================================ csvfilter - Simple CSV filtering

A simple wrapper around Python's CSV module to provide a command-line tool for filtering columns from a CSV file. This is useful as standard tools like awk can't easily handle the quoting and escaping used in CSV files.

Basically, it's a bit like cut but for CSVs.


From PyPi::

pip install csvfilter


Pluck fields 1, 3 and 5 from in.csv::

csvfilter -f 1,3,5 in.csv > out.csv

Pluck all fields apart from column 2 from STDIN::

cat in.csv | csvfilter -f 2 -i > out.csv

Convert pipe-separated file to comma-separated (by default, output is comma-separated)::

csvfilter -d"|" in.psv > out.csv 

Skip that pesky header row::

cat in.csv | csvfilter --skip=1

As you can see, CSV data can be supplied through STDIN or by running csvfilter directly on a file.

Help is in the usual place::

$ csvfilter --help

Usage: csvfilter [options] [inputfile]

Source: https://github.com/codeinthehole/csvfilter/

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-f FIELDS, --fields=FIELDS
                        Specify which fields to pluck
-s SKIP, --skip=SKIP  Number of rows to skip
                        Delimiter of incoming CSV data
                        Quotechar of incoming CSV data

-i, --inverse         Invert the filter - ie drop the selected fields
                        Delimiter to use for output
                        Quote character to use for output

Report issues

Use the Github issue tracker_ or, better still...

.. _Github issue tracker: https://github.com/codeinthehole/csvfilter/issues


After cloning, install the testing requirements::


Run the tests with::


and, if it helps, use the fixture files to test your amendments::

cat fixtures/au.csv | csvfilter -f 3,1,2 -s 1
csvfilter fixutres/au.csv -f 1,2 -i

Have fun.