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Recursive Variant: A simple library for Recursive Variant Types
— Recursive Sum Types for C++
Provided by the Recursive Variant Authority. We stand united in opposition to the TVA. May your variants never be pruned.
Variants are exceedingly useful in C++, but they suffer from a singular and fundamental shortcoming: unlike sum types in many other languages, there's no mechanism to define recursive variants in C++.
The Recursive Variant Authority provides a solution in the form of
, which allows you to write arbitrary recursive sum types with
functionality identical to that provided by std::variant
Understanding Recursive Variants
To understand what a recursive variant is, and why it's useful, consider something like a value in json. It can be any of the following:
- A null value
- A string
- A number (usually represented as a double)
- A boolean value (either true or false),
- An object (aka, a map between strings and json values)
- An array of values.
In a language like haskell, we could copy that definition pretty much verbatim (accounting for syntax, of course):
data JsonValue = JsonNull
| JsonBoolean Bool
| JsonNumber Double
| JsonStr String
| JsonObject (Map String JsonValue)
| JsonArray [JsonValue]
It's important to note that JsonValue
is being used in it's own definition:
it's a recursive type.
Recursive types in C++
While this may seem a bit strange at first, recursive types aren't all that
unusual. C++ has them too, and it's common for a type to store pointers to
itself in situations such as a binary tree or a linked list. We can even define
as a recursive type using a union:
class json_value {
int state = -1;
union {
/* state 0 */ std::nullptr_t m_null;
/* state 1 */ bool m_bool;
/* state 2 */ double m_number;
/* state 3 */ std::string m_string;
/* state 4 */ std::map<std::string, json_value> m_object;
/* state 5 */ std::vector<json_value> m_array;
json_value(std::nullptr_t) : state(0), m_null() {}
json_value(bool b) : state(1), m_bool(b) {}
json_value(double d) : state(2), m_number(d) {}
json_value(std::string const& str) : state(3), m_string(str) {}
json_value(std::map<std::string, json_value> const& map) : state(4), m_object(map) {}
json_value(std::vector<json_value> const& arr) : state(5), m_object(m_array) {}
// Now we need to write move constructors...
json_value(std::string&& str) : state(3), m_string(std::move(str)) {}
json_value(std::map<std::string, json_value>&& map) : state(4), m_object(std::move(map)) {}
json_value(std::vector<json_value>&& arr) : state(5), m_object(std::move(m_array)) {}
// Now assignment operators...
// Now comparison operators...
// .emplace() might be nice
// Oh hey did we forget copy and move assignment for json_value?
// maybe we should have a way to check what the index of the currently active element is
is only a partial solution
It quickly becomes apparent that the class we're writing is essentially a
specialization of std::variant
, which (thankfully) simplifies a lot of the
class json_value {
std::map<std::string, json_value>,
std::vector<json_value>> value;
json_value() = default;
json_value(json_value const&) = default;
json_value(json_value&&) = default;
template <class T>
json_value(T&& object) : value(std::forward<T>(object)) {}
// Now assignment operators...
// Now comparison operators...
// .emplace() might be nice
// maybe we should have a way to check what the index of the currently active element is
This is better, and signifigantly less bug prone, but there's still a lot of boilerplate code that needs to be written.
Here's the thing: at it's core, some types (like json_value) are best expressed as sum types! Anything we write to wrap one will just be a specialization of a sum type, and will usually involve a lot of boilerplate code to do the wrapping.
At this point, it might be prudent to ask: can we define json_value
as a std::variant
? Would a recursive using
declaration work? I wish it did.
I really, really wish it did.
// LIES!!! This code doesn't work
// error: use of undeclared identifier 'json_value'
using json_value = std::variant<
std::nullptr_t, // json null
bool, // json boolean
double, // json number
std::string, // json string
std::map<std::string, json_value>, // json object
std::vector<json_value>>; // json array
The Recursive Variant Authority provides a complete solution!
allows you to write recursive variants without any boilerplate
by passing rva::self_t
in the places where you want your recursive type to go!
When you write a statement like this, rva::variant
will replace instances of
with a properly specified instance of it's type, and it does this
as a paper-thin wrapper over std::variant
that provides all your boilerplate
code for you. And there was a lot of boilerplate code to write.
using json_value = rva::variant<
std::nullptr_t, // json null
bool, // json boolean
double, // json number
std::string, // json string
std::map<std::string, rva::self_t>, // json object, type is std::map<std::string, json_value>
std::vector<rva::self_t>>; // json array, type is std::vector<json_value>
provides the full set of functionality given by std::variant
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And it does so as a drop-in replacement (or as close to one as the standard would allow)!
The Recursive Variant Authority hopes that you enjoy your time using
, and we encourage you to make full use of it's capabilities when
writing your code.
Usage & Installation
The most straight-forward way to use rva::variant
is by using
CMake's FetchContent interface
to find and fetch the library:
GIT_TAG main
Alternatively, you can install it as a CMake package like so. Please note that it's not necessary to build it in release mode, as it's a header-only library.
git clone rva
cd rva
cmake -B build -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF
cmake --build build
sudo cmake --install build
Once installed, the library can then be discovered as a CMake package:
find_package(rva REQUIRED)
In either case, whether obtained via FetchContent
, or installed as a package,
you can use it via target_link_libraries
. The library is header-only, but this
will ensure that it's added to the include path for that target.
target_link_libraries(<your target> PRIVATE rva::rva)
Running tests
You may have noticed that the installation process "built" the library with
testing off. Installing the library doesn't require running tests, however if
you wish to run them, you may do so by ommitting the flag disabling testing, and
then running build/test_rva -s
. Testing is done via the
Catch2 Testing framework. You will see a
lot of {?}
in the test output, but that's just because Catch2 doesn't know how
to print a variant.
Tests may be found in the test/
git clone rva
cd rva
cmake -B build
cmake --build build -j 8
build/test_rva -s