Current-Activity icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Current-Activity copied to clipboard

📱 A floating window that can be moved freely and displays the package and class name of the active application

Results 12 Current-Activity issues
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The few frames immediately subsequent to the section that displays over the capturer state that the current activity is what > ![this]( depicts.


*********************** Crash Head *********************** Time Of Crash : 21-03-2024 18:23 Device Manufacturer : Xiaomi Device Model : M2007J20CI Android Version : 12 Android SDK : 31 App VersionName : 1.5.8...

Crash log *********************** Crash Head *********************** Time Of Crash : 16-03-2024 15:35 Device Manufacturer : samsung Device Model : SM-M315F Android Version : 12 Android SDK : 31 App VersionName... Will add more details later and submit a pull request with a fix as i have come across this issue in the past

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private static App sApp; private Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler defaultHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(); @Override protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) { super.attachBaseContext(base); new CrashHandler(this, defaultHandler).init(this.getFilesDir()); } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); sApp = this; }...