Pixi is a python environment manager as well as a package manager so using poetry is redundant. The majority of my PRs are usually proof of concepts and I don't...
and then someone can delegate you and their ranking will be an amalagation of your own rankings and your delegates rankings
we could enable this for cross agora ranking across the poleis and essentially have a ranking web of trust
what if we used IPFS to store agora gardens? then people can store whatever they want in their garden and we can cryptographically verify it's them. We don't need to...
IPNS (the ipfs name service) lets you bind ipns names to domain names so we could do domain based identity like maybe have a separate domain for agora users...
example from MediaWiki [[Help:Editing pages#Preview|previewing]] My logic on this (and most things) is let's not get caught by [[[not invented here](]] syndrome If existing paradigms exists, it seems somewhat...
It looks like DokuWiki uses same syntax
I'm trying to deno deploy the blog example but the codegen is throwing me off
Message about vocab. I gave up and started from scratch