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Bulk Change Functionality on Manage Tenants Page
Purpose Add functionality so admins can apply bulk updates for the JOIN staff member(s) assigned to a tenants
- On page 8 of the FIGMA designs, we can see a collapsed grey bar above the tenants table
- On page 29, we see that the bar expands when one of more tenants are selected with the checkboxes next to their names. The bar is called "Update" and enables users to assign a JOIN staff member to multiple tenants at once.
Proposed Solution
- [ ] Build the collapsible component. Use a react-search-panel element with 'chips' and 'multiple' for the JOIN Staff selection box. This will allow the component to support the assignment of multiple JOIN staffers to a tenant/s
- [ ] Sensitize collapsed/expanded state based on tenant selection (i.e. the checkboxes)
- [ ] Disable the "Save" button on initial render. Enable it when 1 or more staff are selected.
- [ ] When "Save" is clicked, send all updates to the backend. Use a PATCH request to the endpoint:
. The body of the request should look like this (per #443):
staff: [<int:staff_id>, ...],
tenants: [<int:tenant_id>, ...]
- [ ] After the API call is complete, refresh the view with another API call - GET
Please make sure you've attempted to meet the following coding standards
- [ ] Code builds successfully
- [ ] Code has been tested and does not produce errors
- [ ] Code is readable and formatted
- [ ] There isn't any unnecessary commented-out code
- [ ] There aren't any unnecessary commits or files changed (shouldn't touch the /stashed folder unless the issue requests it)
Mockup Screenshot or Page Number See pages 8 and 29 of the FIGMA designs
I'll look at this.
@keppel2 - Can you update this one? Is it In Progress? Did you get busy on something else? I'm looking to get tickets out of the "To Do" (unassigned) column and into "In Progress" when someone is working on it. And I'm looking to remove assignees when a ticket isn't actively being worked so others can contribute.
Taking a quick look at this, the edit tenants page has bulk change functionality for archiving tenants, that doesn't show on the FIGMA.
Do we have a plan on how to add this functionality without cluttering the header? We could add a button next to the Archive Tenants button that would allow for this same functionality without adding more confusion to the existing architecture. Something akin to the Assign Join Staff input on the Add Tenant page.
I'd be happy to take a run at this and sketch something out if thats cool.