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Land Acknowledgement SMS Application
Land Acknowledgement SMS App
Land Acknowledgement has been rewritten using AWS Lambda and the new repo is at
Land Acknowledgement is a simple api that links data about native lands to current locations.
Data Sources
This project does two basic things:
- determines a lat/lon from a city/state
- looks up the native land from that point
Contributions that improve either of these are welcome. Currently the data comes from:
- Data about boundaries of Native land is from:
- Locations lookups are determined using data files from U.S. Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) (
- Zipcode data is from geonames: zipcode data
Running locally
To install an run from docker container
git clone
cd land_acknowledgement
docker-compose up
This will create docker images and start containers for postgreSQL and a simple python web server. Once running you should be able to make POST requests to localhost:8000/
with something like Postman or curl:
curl -XPOST localhost:8000/ -d Body=Anchorage%2C+ak
In development the webserver, gunicorn, will reload on changes to the code.
To bring service down and remove containers use:
docker-compose down
While the containers are running you can execute and attach a shell environment with:
docker exec -it landak_web sh
Add a postgres database add-on. The number of row in the database exceeds the limits for the free tier postgres. This requires at least the Hobby-basic
Add postgis extension
Connect to heroku postgres via the cli and add extension with create extension postgis
% heroku pg:psql --app landak
landak::DATABASE=> create extension postgis;
Exit psql with \q
Create backup of local database to restore to heroku
The compressed format --format=c
is required for Heroku.
pg_dump --format=c --compress=9 -U postgres postgres > local_data/data_dump.sql
Upload the compressed sql file to S3(or some other accessible place) and pass it to the Heroku cli
heroku pg:backups:restore postgresql-opaque-24019 --app landak
Where postgresql-opaque-24019
would be the name of your actual database and landak
the name of your app.
The Dockerfile on the top-level directory will build an image appropriate for Heroku. To build a push this use:
heroku stack:set container --app landak
heroku container:push web --app landak
heroku container:release web --app landak