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geofirex copied to clipboard

The query requires an index

Open victorvargass opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

Hello, i have an issue... When i do this query on geofirex const questionsGeofire = geo.collection('questions', ref => ref.where('hidden', '==', false) ); i have this error: whatsapp image 2019-01-13 at 00 31 35

On the documentation i red that i have to create an index for this type of query, but when i enter on the link attached on the error screen :"" firebase get bugged.. and i can't create the index... captura de pantalla de 2019-01-13 18-22-28

do you know some about this?

I create manually indexes but they dont work, and i dont know that i do by the correct way... Thank you

victorvargass avatar Jan 13 '19 21:01 victorvargass

@victorvargass logout from all your Google accounts except for the project's Google account and try the same!

DarshanGowda0 avatar Jan 23 '19 11:01 DarshanGowda0