Wordpress2Doc icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Wordpress2Doc copied to clipboard

A small tool which converts Wordpress blog posts to .docx and .pdf files



Wordpress2Doc is a small tool which helps to convert Wordpress articles/blog-posts to .docx and/or .pdf files. It's more a proof of concept, than the perfect solution, but it finally works.

Feel free to grab-up/fork the project and make it better!

For more information visit:

(german) => http://code-bude.net/2013/08/31/wordpress2doc-wordpress-artikel-in-word-und-pdf-dokumente-konvertieren/

(english) => http://en.code-bude.net/2013/08/31/wordpress2doc-how-to-convert-wordpress-articles-into-word-and-pdf-documents/

Legal information and credits

Wordpress2Doc is project by Raffael Herrmann and was first released in 08/2013.

Special thanks


Michael Bielski -> Information about .docx-processing http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/91894/HTML-as-a-Source-for-a-DOCX-File

gmanny -> Pechkin (.NET Wrapper for WkHtmlToPdf - used before) https://github.com/gmanny/Pechkin

tuespetre -> TuesPechkin (.NET Wrapper for WkHtmlToX) https://github.com/tuespetre/TuesPechkin

Andre Loker -> How to load fonts in memory http://blog.andreloker.de/post/2008/07/03/Load-a-font-from-disk-stream-or-byte-array.aspx

Graphics & Design

Sven Walter (viperneo) -> MetroFramework https://github.com/viperneo/winforms-modernui

thielj -> Fork and additions to the MetroFramework https://github.com/thielj/MetroFramework

Oliver Scholtz (and others) -> For the Wordpress2Doc app icon http://schollidesign.deviantart.com/art/Human-O2-Iconset-105344123

Pictograms & Arrows

http://modernuiicons.com http://zwibbler.com


"FG Virgil" by http://fontgarden.com