daily-code copied to clipboard
Need DSA problems ASAP
There is already a code
type that shows code on the right, problem statement on the left
We need
Admin dashboard
Allow admins to put in
- Problem statement
- Title
- Test cases
User side
User can see the problem statement on the left Code editor on the right Submit the code
After the code is submitted, it hits a HTTP Endpoint which runs all test cases one after the other We can use judge0 for this, assume it is already deployed
Languages to support for now -
- Javascript
Callout we already have a code
On It
@hkirat .. using piston is fine ??
@hkirat , so i have used piston execute for running code - https://piston.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api-v2/#execute in the above video . please check it . dont know its a good way or not
Have started working on this, integrating it with judge0. Might take ~2 days.
@nimit9 right now i am working on langauge support almost done ..
Hey @Rash-Hit please go ahead with it, this is something where I think I'll get to learn something, so just building it out of fun and curiosity. Trying to build it very robustly and with a good looking UI. Won't be stealing your bounty lol
@hkirat , can you please confirm the schema ?? or suggestions ?? @nimit9
@hkirat Progress so far ..
@hkirat completed DSA Admin dashboard please have a look Step 1 - Admin Login Step 2 - Admin enters the problem name , description , topics , difficulty and number of input argument and Types for input and output Step 3 - Admin adds the driver code , user code , solution for the problem and the test cases (minimum 2) to publish the problem Step 4- Admin Publish the problem only if every details are completed
@hkirat Progress so far ..
If this is Monaco Editor. Add a path attribute to the editor which you can keep the language name. So that it will context switch and will give you the correct format even when you switch language.
theme={globalState.isDarkMode ? "vs-dark" : "vs-light"}
Might help someone, the db might can look like something like this
enum SubmissionResult {
model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
submissions Submission[]
createdProblems ProblemStatement[]
model ProblemStatement {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
title String @unique
problemText String
testCases TestCase[]
submissions Submission[]
passedSubmissions Int @default(0)
failedSubmissions Int @default(0)
creator User @relation(fields: [creatorId], references: [id])
creatorId Int
model TestCase {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
input String
expectedOutput String
problemStatement ProblemStatement @relation(fields: [problemStatementId], references: [id])
problemStatementId Int
model Submission {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
code String
language String
result SubmissionResult @default(PENDING)
runtime Int // in milliseconds
memoryUsage Int // in bytes
errorMessage String
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
problemStatement ProblemStatement @relation(fields: [problemStatementId], references: [id])
problemStatementId Int
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
This is for prisma but can be replicated :0
Hope it helps someone
@hkirat Progress so far ..
How is the current progress of this? Intrested in working on this! Feel free to add me with you.
@hkirat completed DSA Admin dashboard please have a look Step 1 - Admin Login Step 2 - Admin enters the problem name , description , topics , difficulty and number of input argument and Types for input and output Step 3 - Admin adds the driver code , user code , solution for the problem and the test cases (minimum 2) to publish the problem Step 4- Admin Publish the problem only if every details are completed
User Dashboard More things that can be added
- Submission Page
- Solution page
- Making the running time faster
- UI can be enhanced
@hkirat completed DSA Admin dashboard please have a look Step 1 - Admin Login Step 2 - Admin enters the problem name , description , topics , difficulty and number of input argument and Types for input and output Step 3 - Admin adds the driver code , user code , solution for the problem and the test cases (minimum 2) to publish the problem Step 4- Admin Publish the problem only if every details are completed adminDashboardDSA.1.1.mp4
UserDashboard.mp4 User Dashboard More things that can be added
- Submission Page
- Solution page
- Making the running time faster
- UI can be enhanced
@hkirat If you like the prototype for both Admin and userDashboard I can create the pull request else if you want me to add some other features please tell
@hkirat Completed ~60-70% of this
Pending Things:
- Admin Dashboard FOrm to Create the PS, Test Cases
- adding Runtime Error info in the test run section (right bottom panel)
- Auth flow to submit the code with rate limiting
- Improving the code structure.
- UI Improvements (someone else can work on this, otherwise I'll take it up)
Below is the video with things already done, Using judge0 self hosted on local. Please assign the issue to me, so that I can finish the pending work, and let me know if you'd need any changes in this.
I have created a similar project can i try to integrate that to this project link of the project that i have created ->Video https://youtu.be/hTsJoKkY07U?si=NCNFPIsDKqcKypop Codesubmission using Judege0 and Build using Nextjs
@hkirat Completed ~60-70% of this
Pending Things:
- Admin Dashboard FOrm to Create the PS, Test Cases
- adding Runtime Error info in the test run section (right bottom panel)
- Auth flow to submit the code with rate limiting
- Improving the code structure.
- UI Improvements (someone else can work on this, otherwise I'll take it up)
Below is the video with things already done, Using judge0 self hosted on local. Please assign the issue to me, so that I can finish the pending work, and let me know if you'd need any changes in this.
Code.Submit.webm Code-Exec.Test.Run.webm
Nimit can you please update with the latest completed and pending things? I am ready to work on any of this mentioned.