cocos2d-x-3rd-party-libs-bin icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cocos2d-x-3rd-party-libs-bin copied to clipboard

Results 33 cocos2d-x-3rd-party-libs-bin issues
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I'm not sure if there's an issue for this, but the check if beyond end of string should be tested before dereferencing the pointer to the buffer. e.g. (should...

Current xxhash version doesn't support latest features. ex) XXH64 algorithm, inline expansion... etc ## Changes Replaced current files by latest version xxhash.h/cpp from It has backward compatibility.

Except `spidermonkey` because I'm not able to build it.

I've built these libs on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS MP3Decoder and OggDecoder use the same source version as prebuilt win32-specific libraries from this repository (newest release at the time of [4a29e5f...

使用cmake .. -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/ios.toolchain.cmake后 lib external中的没有出现 ``` target_link_libraries(external ext_box2d #无 ext_chipmunk #无 ext_freetype #无 ext_recast ext_jpeg #无 ext_uv #无 ext_webp #无 ext_bullet #无 ext_ssl #无 ext_crypto #无 ext_tiff #无 ext_websockets...

The macro is missing parentheses, and therefore and are totally wrong.

Unfortunately I can't tell the exact reason because the bundled binary has no debug symbols, but it crashes with an access violation during glfwInit on one of my machines, although...

I have downloaded zip file of cocos2dx. And have setup the project using But when I am trying to uses “curl/curl.h” it cannot find it. Is curl not supported...

websocket is compiled in debug mode and requires vcruntime140d.dll and ucrtbased.dll which are not distributed by vcredist package.