CCBReader copied to clipboard
The last version of CCBReader is not compatible with Cocos2d 2.1rc0
I got some issues when since I added the last version of CCBReader with Cocos2D 2.1 rc0
in CCBAnimationManager.h use "target" property instead of target
in CCScrollView use "visible" instead of visible use "grid" instead of grid use "children" instead of children
in CCScale9Sprite CCControlExtension/CCControl/Utils/CCScale9Sprite.m:30:17: Auto property synthesis will not synthesize property declared in a protocol
CCControlExtension/CCControl/Utils/CCScale9Sprite.m:571:26: Variable 'contentSize' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization Use "contentSize" instead contentSize Use "anchorPoint" instead anchorPoint
CCControlSwitch "shaderProgram" <= shaderProgram "texture" <= texture "quad" <= quad
CCScale9Sprite.m Incomplete implementation Auto property synthesis will not synthesize property declared in a protocol
I am getting the same issue, trying to use cocos2d-iphone via cocoapods and then importing the files manually. It might be good if both of cocoapods and CCBReader where tagged with the same version tag upon any releases, this would help make it clear which version will work together.
edit: And probably CocosBuilder also.
It seems that the v2_1 branch of CCBReader will work. But you have to use the develop branch of CocosBuilder.
edit: Sorry Benoit it appears I wasn't using 'v2_1' but 'master' CCBReader with 'develop' CocosBuilder.
Even the v2_1 branch is not compatible with cocos2d-iphone 2.1 rc0. We need an update :).
Having same issue, in addition I have error in CCBAnimationManager.m - Use of undeclared identifier 'other'
-(void) update: (ccTime) t { if (t < 0) { [other update:0]; // <-- here } else { [other update:1]; // <-- and here } }
@interface CCActionEase : CCActionInterval <NSCopying> { CCActionInterval *_inner; // 'other' has been replaced }