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kv: make snapshot apply concurrency limit configurable
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:owl: Hoot! I am a Blathers, a bot for CockroachDB. My owner is dev-inf.
@lyang24 I'm thinking that there may actually be some benefit to making the snapshotSendQueue
's concurrency limit configurable as well, due to delegated snapshots. Each node's replicateQueue
will still only initiate a single rebalance operation at a time, but a larger snapshotSendQueue
limit will allow nodes in the same locality as a new/recovering node to delegate for multiple remote leaseholders at the same time.
For example, consider the following topology:
region1: {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5}
region2: {n6, n7, n8, n9, n10}
region3: {n11, n12, n13, n14, n15}
If we add a new node 16 to region3, all 15 original nodes will have some snapshots that they want to send over to node 16. We would like these to all be delegated by the nodes in region 3. So to maximize upreplication speed, we would want to configure the following cluster settings like:
What do you think about adding a third commit with that new cluster setting? It would look almost identical to the second commit.
was about to achieve great snapshot throughput with adjusted snapshot concurrency on a 9-9-2 cluster (replication 3-1-1) by docker pause on a node on chi and turn it back on the next morning.
However, when i looked at the snapshot generated it seems like the number is well below the new concurrency limit, I wonder if that is a disk read bottleneck or could it be i missed some logic that is still limiting on the sender side?
cc @nvanbenschoten @andrewbaptist
re-reading nathan's comment maybe the low snapshot generation rate was due to the delegated snapshot, let me try pause a node in ash1, and set lease holder preferences to none
I also looked at the failed tests it seems like cluster setting override method will not trigger a set on change to update concurrency limit?
@lyang24 while you're working on this, just want to make sure you saw the review comments in as well.
new testing results with delegated snapshot and lease preference disabled
one node received up to 1.5 gb of snapshot data per second, the 7hr paused node was up to speed in 6 mintues
@lyang24 how did the recipient of the 1.5GB/s of snapshots fare? Was it overloaded? Did its LSM retain its shape or did we see read amplification?
@lyang24 how did the recipient of the 1.5GB/s of snapshots fare? Was it overloaded? Did its LSM retain its shape or did we see read amplification? I don't see lsm overload from metrics.
Just chatted with Roblox colleagues this is quite helpful on our cockroachdb migration process which migrated data to 3 copies in ASH and then changes the leaseholder to distribute data between ASH OH AND CHI (this process used to take days on large tables). I wonder how far back are we able to backport this pr?
spoke with @andrewbaptist I will address the follow ups in later prs.
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:owl: Hoot! I am a Blathers, a bot for CockroachDB. My owner is dev-inf.