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[ActiveRecord 5.2 Test Failure] test/cases/adapters/postgresql/rename_table_test.rb

Open alimi opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

PostgresqlRenameTableTest#test_renaming_a_table_also_renames_the_primary_key_index [/Users/alimi/repos/rails/activerecord/test/cases/adapters/postgresql/rename_table_test.rb:18]:
Expected: 1
  Actual: 0

bin/rails test Users/alimi/repos/rails/activerecord/test/cases/adapters/postgresql/rename_table_test.rb:16

See the Contributing Guide for instructions on running tests.

If the test isn't valid against CockroachDB

  1. Add a ruby file to test/excludes that matches the name of the test class if one doesn't already exist. For example to exclude a test from ActiveRecord::AdapterTest, create test/excludes/ActiveRecord/AdapterTest.rb.
  2. Add an exclude statement to the file with the name of the test to exclude and a description. For example to exclude test_indexes from ActiveRecord::AdapterTest:
  3. Finally, if the test can run against CockroachDB with a few changes, add it to test/cases. Everything from the ActiveRecord test suite will be available, so a lot of the excluded test can be copied over. Namespace the test under the CockroachDB module to avoid name collisions. See test/cases/adapter_test.rb for an example.


alimi avatar Apr 17 '20 19:04 alimi

Any update on this failing test?

For me to convince our organisation to switch over to cockroachdb, it would be very helpful if most ActiveRecord tests where passing.

Renaming tables is a common operation, and if this test doesn't pass that's somewhat worrying.

sandstrom avatar Jun 16 '21 06:06 sandstrom