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Possibly wrong package name for SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro

Open mks-h opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments

I'm running openSUSE MicroOS, which is AFAIK the open source version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro. The installation instruction did not succeed, because the package name is microos_cockpit, not microos-cockpit

Original installation command output
mks@localhost:~> sudo transactional-update pkg install -t pattern microos-cockpit
[sudo] password for mks: 
Checking for newer version.
transactional-update 4.3.0 started
Options: pkg install -t pattern microos-cockpit
Separate /var detected.
2023-09-21 22:37:15 tukit 4.3.0 started
2023-09-21 22:37:15 Options: -c11 open 
2023-09-21 22:37:15 Using snapshot 11 as base for new snapshot 12.
2023-09-21 22:37:15 Syncing /etc of previous snapshot 9 as base into new snapshot "/.snapshots/12/snapshot"
2023-09-21 22:37:15 SELinux is enabled.
ID: 12
2023-09-21 22:37:20 Transaction completed.
Calling zypper install
2023-09-21 22:37:26 tukit 4.3.0 started
2023-09-21 22:37:26 Options: callext 12 zypper -R {} install -t pattern microos-cockpit 
2023-09-21 22:37:30 Executing `zypper -R /tmp/transactional-update-aDtR1c install -t pattern microos-cockpit`:
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'microos-cockpit' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of 'microos-cockpit' found.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
2023-09-21 22:37:31 Application returned with exit status 104.
ERROR: zypper install on /.snapshots/12/snapshot failed with exit code 104!
Removing snapshot #12...
2023-09-21 22:37:32 tukit 4.3.0 started
2023-09-21 22:37:32 Options: abort 12 
2023-09-21 22:37:36 Discarding snapshot 12.
2023-09-21 22:37:36 Transaction completed.
transactional-update finished
Zypper package search
mks@localhost:~> zypper search cockpit
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                     | Summary                                                                      | Type
  | cockpit                  | Web Console for Linux servers                                                | package
  | cockpit-agama            | Cockpit module for Agama                                                     | package
  | cockpit-bridge           | Cockpit bridge server-side component                                         | package
  | cockpit-devel            | Development files for for Cockpit                                            | package
  | cockpit-doc              | Cockpit deployment and developer guide                                       | package
  | cockpit-kdump            | Cockpit user interface for kernel crash dumping                              | package
  | cockpit-machines         | Cockpit user interface for virtual machines                                  | package
  | cockpit-networkmanager   | Cockpit user interface for networking, using NetworkManager                  | package
  | cockpit-packagekit       | Cockpit user interface for packages                                          | package
  | cockpit-pcp              | Cockpit PCP integration                                                      | package
  | cockpit-podman           | Cockpit component for Podman containers                                      | package
  | cockpit-selinux          | Cockpit SELinux package                                                      | package
  | cockpit-storaged         | Cockpit user interface for storage, using udisks                             | package
  | cockpit-system           | Cockpit admin interface package for configuring and troubleshooting a system | package
  | cockpit-tukit            | Cockpit module for Transactional Update                                      | package
  | cockpit-wicked           | Cockpit user interface for Wicked                                            | package
  | cockpit-ws               | Cockpit Web Service                                                          | package
  | microos_cockpit          | Web based remote system managemet                                            | pattern
  | patterns-microos-cockpit | Web based remote system managemet                                            | package

mks-h avatar Sep 21 '23 19:09 mks-h