coc-powershell copied to clipboard
few improvements
- powershell.Execute
use .'/path/to/file.ps1'
instead of &'path/to/file'
Current version runs as job, so it's just printing standard output, and not loading variables to current session (say if I execute $a = 10; Write-Host $a
I'll see output on the terminal, but variable $a won't be created)
Also, need some setting to skip Y/N prompt (and save file by default). Or a separate command like powershell.ExecuteForce.
- Readme Move polyglot and coc-snippet to prereq section (first one is required to make it work). Also, snippet seemed to work with older versions of neovim (tried on 0.34), do we need a note about 0.4 version?
(not important) ~~looking for some way to hide pwsh buffer from airline's tabline. Looks like its possible to hide all terminals (using let g:airline#extensions#tabline#ignore_bufadd_pat), wondering if there is a way to hide just integrated pwsh? Similar to how NERDTree is hidden.~~ ~~Or other good option - open ps console prior the ps1 file, so console will be buffer 1 and file buffer 2~~ toggling console
- Readme Move polyglot and coc-snippet to prereq section (first one is required to make it work). Also, snippet seemed to work with older versions of neovim (tried on 0.34), do we need a note about 0.4 version?
I don't think polyglot is completely needed. Without it you need to set your file language yourself though. As for coc-snippet, the note about it needing 0.4 is straight from it's readme. Although I too had it working fine with "stable" versions of neovim.
@corbob do you mean it can work with any other syntax highlighter? I guess it's still a dependency though.
(not important) looking for some way to hide pwsh buffer from airline's tabline. Looks like its possible to hide all terminals (using let g:airline#extensions#tabline#ignore_bufadd_pat), wondering if there is a way to hide just integrated pwsh? Similar to how NERDTree is hidden. Or other good option - open ps console prior the ps1 file, so console will be buffer 1 and file buffer 2
This will hide the integrated console at startup:
"powershell.integratedConsole.showOnStartup": false
@TylerLeonhardt I wanted to keep console, but hide it from tabline (similar to vscode), which I guess can be achieved with some simple tweaks. Now I realized that toggling (show/hide) that console would be extremely useful. I'll probably open a new issue for that
Now I realized that toggling (show/hide) that console would be extremely useful. I'll probably open a new issue for that
This should probably come from coc.nvim so that all extensions that use terminal's can take advantage of it.