James J Balamuta

Results 79 comments of James J Balamuta

**This installer has been superceded by the [{macrtools}](https://github.com/coatless-mac/macrtools) _R_ package, which automatically installs and configures the _R_ toolchain for compiled code on macOS.** **Please do not use this installer package...

**This installer has been superceded by the [{macrtools}](https://github.com/coatless-mac/macrtools) _R_ package, which automatically installs and configures the _R_ toolchain for compiled code on macOS.** **Please do not use this installer package...

> Simon Willison has [a helpful cookiecutter template](https://simonwillison.net/2024/Jan/16/python-lib-pypi/) and a post about his workflow in [Python packages with pyproject.toml and nothing else](https://til.simonwillison.net/python/pyproject). Oh, nice! I'll aim to use that when...

We probably should also bump the version of Rcpp required to be greater than v1.0.0 as well...

@dirkschumacher eh, I think it should be okay to go with a larger translator package. From what I've experienced, folks who would use the translator are going to want a...

Yes! It would be great to have a single document that goes across the different syntaxes. My only worry is the size limit if `shinylive` components start getting added. Mobile...

@gadenbuie okidokie, I like both options! Any thoughts as to the quarto-specific parameter option? `color_darken: true`? Do you have any preference on the Python package? Glancing at `py-htmltools`, neither package...

@etiennebacher thanks for the quick reply! I'm interested in being able to stylize and modify different parts of the Quarto document before the final rendering. To add the styling, I...

@vincentarelbundock thanks for the quick feedback. I'll try to work on something this weekend or early next week. If I can achieve what I set out to, would there be...

@vincentarelbundock awesome! I should clarify: I'm not looking for any coding support; more of a home for the feature once I get it working. 😄