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Different settings for different Delphi versions
I had Delphi 7 installed with Classic color theme, and configured CnPack to highlight syntax. Then, I installed XE7 with default color settings, and CnPack in XE7 uses the same color settings as in 7. Settings for different Delphi versions should be different.
CnWizards stores Setting Information in Registry. There's a command line switch for Delphi starting-up to make CnWizards use a different Registry Entry to Load/Save Settings. Please Refer to our Help:
Specify Registry Settings Key: If -cnregXXXX used, CnWizards will use HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\XXXX to load/save Settings information in Registry instead of default 'CnPack'.
Example: bds.exe -cnregMyDelphiXE
Hi! This is not convenient to change command line each time, especially if not starting Delphi from a shortcut, or starting Delphi by double click on a project file. It would be better if it were possible to save setting once and use it in the future without specifying the command-line switch. Or use different settings for each version by default, and for those who want the same settings for different Delphi versions, there could (or not) be Import setting, which automatically searches existing settings for other versions, and offers to choice ?
Why not store the settings for different versions of Delphi in different registry keys? Like Delphi does. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CnPack\D7\CnWizards\CnSourceHighlight. Very important. Why has it been three years and no one has paid attention to this?