CubeMXImporter copied to clipboard
This tool can be used to import projects generated by STM32CubeMX tool inside an Eclipse project created with the GNU ARM Eclipse plugin
I am using STM32F4 Discovery board following the step by step in 'Mastering STM32' - Carmine Noviello (Aug-2018). I have tried to import the CubeMX code generated project to the...
According to the book (and the script), there are changes to the directory structure that is not compatible anymore. The book and the script used the following directory structure: ```...
Hi, I got a problem when using this tool, i'm using CubeMX version 4.25.0. > \CubeMXImporter>python ..\projects\hello_cube2 ..\cubemx_out\nucleo64_f103rb Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 544, in cubeImporter.importCMSIS()...
I will work with mcu stm32l4, so I want to use this srcipt to generate project. I successfully completed this scrpit with stm32f103 nuleo after reflash JLink, but with mcu...
This feature simply copies Application files from Eclipse folder back to CubeMX. It is useful in cases when you want to make some changes in CubeMX project and not loose...
…tories. New automatically created configuration INI file will keep track of directories. After one successful execution, it can now use a relative directory name without the parent path (rarely changing)...