Clemens Neudecker

Results 56 comments of Clemens Neudecker

I too could not reproduce the OOM error anymore with a 8 GB GPU and using the `-di` flag, so will close here now.

We may be slow, but we are persistent :smirk: All models for this tool are now up on the HuggingFace Hub at, including initial model cards, which we will...

@NielsRogge Now we do ;) With many thanks to our colleague Dorian Grosch, we now **finally** have our suite of 13 Eynollah models available in a Hugging Face Space for...

With the current version including I was able to * process `FILE_0017_MAX.tif` successfully without memory explosion * process the whole document PPN894261851 using the `-di` flag without running into...

A paper about Eynollah has now been accepted at [HIP'23]( and will appear in August 2023. The citation information has already been added to the readme:

Since '' was taken down in 2016, the [clean-up process]( won't work anymore.