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Software Supply Chain Best Practices v2
Description: what's your idea?
Impact: Describe the customer impact of the problem. Who will this help? How will it help them?
Scope: How much effort will this take? ok to provide a range of options if or "not yet determined" for initial proposals. Feel free to include proposed tasks below or link a Google doc
Intent to lead:
- [x] I volunteer to be a project lead on this proposal if the community is interested in pursing this work. This statement of intent does not preclude others from co-leading or becoming lead in my stead.
Proposal to Project:
- [x] Added to the planned meeting template for 01 24
- [x] Raised in a Security TAG meeting to determine interest - mm dd
- [ ] Collaborators comment on issue for determine interest and nominate project lead
- [ ] Scope determined via meeting mm dd and/or shared document add link with call for participation in #tag-security slack channel thread add link and mailing list email add link
- [ ] Scope presented to Security TAG leadership and Sponsor is assigned
- [x] Security TAG Leadership Representative: @mnm678
- [ ] Project leader(s):
- [ ] Issue is assigned to project leaders and Security TAG Leadership Representative
- [ ] Project Members:
- [ ] Fill in addition TODO items here so the project team and community can see progress!
- [ ] Scope
- [ ] Deliverable(s)
- [ ] Project Schedule
- [x] Slack Channel (as needed): #tag-security-supply-chain-wg
- [x] Meeting Time & Day: Thursdays 11-12 EST
- [x] Meeting Notes (link):https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MTM782nluFl4_ybG-fXHmRT2k4bPN18ifdzpUltQQCw/edit
- [x] Meeting Details (zoom or hangouts link): https://zoom.us/j/94277589070
- [ ] Retrospective
Count me in! ☺️
we (w/@dentrax) would love to help!
I would love to help too 🤚🏻
We will be kicking off this effort in the working group meeting tomorrow! (Thursday at 11am US eastern time)
The paper is ready for community review! We'd appreciate any feedback: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IQ6tVdxfXX-y5oOjRWUspIrK5xDmVbJ8-XieCG5Cgko/edit#heading=h.otreoolht20w.