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🌄 The Cloud Native Interactive Landscape filters and sorts hundreds of projects and products, and shows details including GitHub stars, funding, first and last commits, contributor counts and headqua...
In the `master` branch (, when I run `./server.js` to start up the app locally, I get the following error: ``` $ ./server.js Development server running at Starting a...
In the landscape guide there is no explanation about the column which contains serverless and members and the bottom most layer which is named special. In my opinion if it...
Some CNCF projects are listed as [sub-projects]( They show up [under CNCF as an organization](, but they [don't show up as CNCF projects]( It would be helpful if they are...
Adding summary info for OPA Signed-off-by: Peter ONeill ### Pre-submission checklist: *Please check each of these after submitting your pull request:* * [ ] Are you only including a `repo_url`...
## Problem There is an "Unknown License" category under Open Source. Some of the projects which fall under that have licenses defined elsewhere: | Mulan Permissive Software License, Version...
## Problem There is a category in Open Source licenses called 'Other' which could be improved. - In a PR BSL, SSPL marked as not opensource and merged, but...
please change Huawei FunctionStage to Huawei FunctionGraph. Refer to the official information
### Pre-submission checklist: *Please check each of these after submitting your pull request:* * [x] Are you only including a `repo_url` if your project is 100% open source? If so,...
Hi, I've started a conversation with **Chris Aniszczyk** and He advised me to start a new issue asking a possible to create a new subcategory for data protection under runtime....
[The guide]( is awesome for beginners, can I do a Chinese translation for this guide?(in whatever form the community likes) Thank you so much. 😄