PurpleIRC copied to clipboard
VentureChat join/part/quit/kick messages not working and IRC not picking up group after restart
My first problem is that purpleirc isn't sending out join/part/quit/kick messages to the venturechat channels. There are config messages called irc-venture-quit, irc-venture-part etc. but it doesn't seem to be functional (see debug output below).
[16:24:50 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isValidChannel] [c: #channel] [b: true]
[16:24:50 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-part:false
[16:24:50 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [broadcastIRCPart] NOT broadcasting part message because irc-part is false.
[16:24:50 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-hero-part:false
[16:24:50 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isValidChannel] [c: #channel] [b: true]
[16:24:50 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-join:false
[16:24:50 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [broadcastIRCJoin] NOT broadcasting join message because irc-join is false.
[16:24:50 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-hero-join:false
[16:24:50 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isValidChannel] [c: #channel] [b: true]
Using irc-join/irc-kick etc. gives this in the debug log but doesn't actually send anything ingame
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isValidChannel] [c: #channel] [b: true]
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-part:true
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix before: [IRC]
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix after: [IRC]
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] null
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [broadcastIRCPart] Broadcasting part message because irc-part is true: §eHyakko has left #channel on IRC. (Reason: %REASON%)
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Broadcast All [irc.message.part]: §eHyakko has left #channel on IRC. (Reason: %REASON%)
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Adding message to broadcast queue: §eHyakko has left #channel on IRC. (Reason: %REASON%)
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-hero-part:false
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isValidChannel] [c: #channel] [b: true]
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-join:true
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [broadcastIRCJoin] Broadcasting join message because irc-join is true.
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix before: [IRC]
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix after: [IRC]
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Broadcast All [irc.message.join]: §8[§5IRC§8] §eHyakko has joined §c#channel§e.
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Adding message to broadcast queue: §8[§5IRC§8] §eHyakko has joined §c#channel§e.
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-hero-join:false
[16:31:36 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isValidChannel] [c: #channel] [b: true]
We also have the problem where PurpleIRC can't find the irc users group if that user hasn't been online after the server has restarted. Before user joined:
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] IRC message caught [channel: Channel(name=#channel, channelId=da091154-5ef8-4116-8216-743ffd1c477d, dao=com.cnaude.purpleirc.ext.org.pircbotx.UserChannelDao@51ffd85c, bot=Version{PurpleIRC v1.0-229, Minecraft IRC integration for CraftBukkit/Spigot servers. - http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/purpleirc.2836/} Connected{true} Server{irc.x2x.cc} Port{6697} Password{}, output=com.cnaude.purpleirc.ext.org.pircbotx.Channel$1@5f382c13, mode=+CMNcnptz, topic=http://eithon.net/ 10:: Connect to mc.eithon.net 10:: http://eithon.net/rules - Remember to read the rules before talking. 10:: !list to display a list of online players 10:: To be able to speak, you need to register your nick with nickserv. /msg nickserv help register 10:: Having trouble? Send a PM to 4Hawoo and wait for an answer, topicTimestamp=1468132465000, createTimestamp=1433594108, topicSetter=Hawoo, moderated=false, noExternalMessages=true, inviteOnly=false, secret=false, channelPrivate=true, topicProtection=true, channelLimit=-1, channelKey=null, modeStale=true, modeLatch=null)] [nick: Hawoo] [[message: Test]
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Shortify: false
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isValidChannel] [c: #channel] [b: true]
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] processMessage: Test
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] commandPrefix.length(): 1
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Message dispatched for broadcast...
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-chat:false
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-console-chat:false
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-hero-chat:false
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-venture-chat:true
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC1 => Global
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC3 => Global
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Help
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Trade
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Staff
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Admin
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Global
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Network
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Donator
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Local
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC4 => Global
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] broadcastChat [MV]: Global: §8[§5IRC§8]%PLAYERPREFIX%§8[§7%PLAYERSUFFIX%%GROUPSUFFIX%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Checking for exact player matching Hawoo
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Checking for exact player matching Hawoo
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Tokenizing Hawoo
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getPlayerSuffix: world null
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getPlayerSuffix (Hawoo): Name cannot be null
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getPlayerPrefix: world Hawoo
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getPlayerPrefix (Hawoo): Name cannot be null
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Problem with primary group (Hawoo): Name cannot be null
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] player: null
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 7
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 8
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldAlias: worldName => world
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldAlias: alias => Hardcore
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldColor: worldName => world
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldColor: color => §c
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 9
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 10
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 11
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 12
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 13
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 14
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [S]Raw message: §8[§5IRC§8]%PLAYERPREFIX%§8[§7%PLAYERSUFFIX%%GROUPSUFFIX%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix before: [IRC]
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix after: [IRC]
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Filtering AwesomeBot from §8[§5IRC§8]§8[§7Hawoo§8]: §fTest
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-ess-helpop:false
[17:31:51 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-chat-response:false
After user joined:
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] IRC message caught [channel: Channel(name=#channel, channelId=da091154-5ef8-4116-8216-743ffd1c477d, dao=com.cnaude.purpleirc.ext.org.pircbotx.UserChannelDao@51ffd85c, bot=Version{PurpleIRC v1.0-229, Minecraft IRC integration for CraftBukkit/Spigot servers. - http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/purpleirc.2836/} Connected{true} Server{irc.x2x.cc} Port{6697} Password{}, output=com.cnaude.purpleirc.ext.org.pircbotx.Channel$1@5f382c13, mode=+CMNcnptz, topic=http://eithon.net/ 10:: Connect to mc.eithon.net 10:: http://eithon.net/rules - Remember to read the rules before talking. 10:: !list to display a list of online players 10:: To be able to speak, you need to register your nick with nickserv. /msg nickserv help register 10:: Having trouble? Send a PM to 4Hawoo and wait for an answer, topicTimestamp=1468132465000, createTimestamp=1433594108, topicSetter=Hawoo, moderated=false, noExternalMessages=true, inviteOnly=false, secret=false, channelPrivate=true, topicProtection=true, channelLimit=-1, channelKey=null, modeStale=true, modeLatch=null)] [nick: Hawoo] [[message: Test]
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Shortify: false
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isValidChannel] [c: #channel] [b: true]
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] processMessage: Test
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] commandPrefix.length(): 1
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Message dispatched for broadcast...
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-chat:false
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-console-chat:false
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-hero-chat:false
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-venture-chat:true
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC1 => Global
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC3 => Global
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Help
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Trade
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Staff
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Admin
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Global
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Network
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Donator
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Local
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC4 => Global
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] broadcastChat [MV]: Global: §8[§5IRC§8]%PLAYERPREFIX%§8[§7%PLAYERSUFFIX%%GROUPSUFFIX%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Checking for exact player matching Hawoo
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Tokenizing Hawoo(O: true)
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getPlayerGroup: Hawoo
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldAlias: worldName => world
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldAlias: alias => Hardcore
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldColor: worldName => world
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldColor: color => §c
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [P]Raw message: §8[§5IRC§8]%PLAYERPREFIX%§8[§7%PLAYERSUFFIX%%GROUPSUFFIX%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix before: [IRC]
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix after: [IRC]
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Filtering AwesomeBot from §8[§5IRC§8]§c§8[§cBackend§8]§8[§7§c§cHawoo§8]: §fTest
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-ess-helpop:false
[17:34:40 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-chat-response:false
Please test this dev build for the missing message types: https://h.cnaude.org/jenkins/job/PurpleIRC-spigot/230/
For the group issue can you check if the uuid.cache file is being generated? Please check if the irc user names are being stored correctly in there.
The uuid.cache file is being generated and the irc usernames are being stored correctly. However, I have the uuid.cache file symlinked between 5 purpleirc instances. Could that be an issue? I have it symlinked because some servers are inaccessible to players who haven't played for a certain amount of time, and if they can't join the uuid.cache file for that server won't have those players added.
The latest test build announces messages when people join/part/quit, get kicked and change topic, but the only message it uses is the irc-venture-chat message
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isValidChannel] [c: #channel] [b: true]
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-join:false
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [broadcastIRCJoin] NOT broadcasting join message because irc-join is false.
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-hero-join:false
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-venture-join:true
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC1 => Global
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC3 => Global
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Help
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Trade
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Staff
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Admin
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Global
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Network
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Donator
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Local
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC4 => Global
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] broadcastIRCJoin [VC]: Global: §8[§5IRC§8]%PLAYERPREFIX%§8[§7%PLAYERSUFFIX%%GROUPSUFFIX%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix before: [IRC]
[13:22:27 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix after: [IRC]
Okay this helps. I know exactly where the problem is now. I'll let you know when I have a fix.
Please try build 232: https://h.cnaude.org/jenkins/job/PurpleIRC-spigot/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/PurpleIRC-1.0-232.jar
Build 232 fixed the kick/join/quit messages. Thanks :+1: There's still the groups/uuid.cache problem though.
When the plugin is debug mode you should see messages like this on start up. Do you see anything like this?
[20:40:47 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Caching displayName for ...
[20:40:47 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Caching UUID for ...
Sorry for the late reply. Yes, those messages show up
Ok let's try another thing. On a fresh startup prior to the player joining the game type "irc test [player]". This will only work in debug mode, but should give us some useful information. I suspect the problem may be on the Vault side. The way this works is that PurpleIRC requests the player group from Vault by providing the cached UUID and default world name.
>irc test cnaude
[10:18:03 INFO]: Testing cnaude
[10:18:03 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] player: null
[10:18:03 INFO]: displayName : test
[10:18:03 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 1
[10:18:03 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 2
[10:18:03 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 3
[10:18:03 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 4
[10:18:03 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 14
[10:18:03 INFO]: getGroupPrefix :
[10:18:03 INFO]: getGroupSuffix :
[10:18:03 INFO]: getPlayerPrefix :
[10:18:03 INFO]: getPlayerSuffix :
[10:18:03 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getPlayerGroup: world cnaude
[10:18:03 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getPlayerGroup (cnaude): SuperPerms no group permissions.
[10:18:03 INFO]: getPlayerGroup :
>irc test Hawoo
[21:41:20 INFO]: Testing Hawoo
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] player: null
[21:41:20 INFO]: displayName : test
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 1
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 2
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 3
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 4
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 5
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 6
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 7
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 8
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 9
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 10
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 11
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 12
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 13
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getGroupPrefix: 14
[21:41:20 INFO]: getGroupPrefix :
[21:41:20 INFO]: getGroupSuffix :
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getPlayerPrefix: world Hawoo
[21:41:20 INFO]: getPlayerPrefix :
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getPlayerSuffix: world Hawoo
[21:41:20 INFO]: getPlayerSuffix :
[21:41:20 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getPlayerGroup: world Hawoo
[21:41:20 INFO]: getPlayerGroup :
From that debug log you sent it looks like it successfully grabbed the offline player info and sent it to vault to get the group. When it does that it also sends the worl name. Is "world" a valid world name on your server? If not, that might be the issue. What permission plugin are you using? I'd like to see how you set up the player group names and prefixes.
Heya, sorry for the late reply. We're using PowerfulPerms linked across 5 servers
There is another way to do this. The latest dev build https://h.cnaude.org/jenkins/job/PurpleIRC-spigot/236/ supports PlaceholderAPI. Please give that a try and see if the PlaceholderAPI tokens will work for you. You should be able to put the PlaceholderAPI tokens directly into the PurpleIRC message templates.
Hi, sorry for the late reply again. The PlaceholderAPI tokens doesn't seem to work for me. Specifically the following. Also, our main world on all servers is using the default world
name, so that shouldn't be an issue(?)
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] IRC message caught [channel: Channel(name=#channel, channelId=3f67f12a-9267-4dcb-9610-c0488a30bce7, dao=com.cnaude.purpleirc.ext.org.pircbotx.UserChannelDao@4bac7ce4, bot=Version{PurpleIRC v1.0-236, Minecraft IRC integration for CraftBukkit/Spigot servers. - http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/purpleirc.2836/} Connected{true} Server{irc.x2x.cc} Port{6697} Password{}, output=com.cnaude.purpleirc.ext.org.pircbotx.Channel$1@2dfcb757, mode=+CMNcnptz, topic=<link> 10:: Connect to <ip> 10:: <link> - Remember to read the rules before talking. 10:: !list to display a list of online players 10:: To be able to speak, you need to register your nick with nickserv. /msg nickserv help register 10:: Having trouble? Send a PM to 4<user> and wait for an answer, topicTimestamp=1468132465000, createTimestamp=1433594108, topicSetter=Hawoo, moderated=false, noExternalMessages=true, inviteOnly=false, secret=false, channelPrivate=true, topicProtection=true, channelLimit=-1, channelKey=null, modeStale=false, modeLatch=null)] [nick: Hawoo] [[message: test]
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Shortify: false
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isValidChannel] [c: #channel] [b: true]
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] processMessage: test
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] commandPrefix.length(): 1
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Message dispatched for broadcast...
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-chat:false
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-console-chat:false
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-hero-chat:false
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-venture-chat:true
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC1 => Global
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC3 => Global
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Help
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Trade
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Staff
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Admin
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Global
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Network
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Donator
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Local
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC4 => Global
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] broadcastChat [VC]: Global: §8[§5IRC§8]%vault_prefix%§8[§7%vault_suffix%%vault_ranksuffix%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Checking for exact player matching Hawoo
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Checking for exact player matching Hawoo
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Tokenizing Hawoo
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] player: null
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 7
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 8
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldAlias: worldName => world
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldAlias: alias => Builder
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldColor: worldName => world
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldColor: color => §b
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 9
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 10
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 11
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 12
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 13
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 14
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [setPlaceholders: before] §8[§5IRC§8]%vault_prefix%§8[§7%vault_suffix%%vault_ranksuffix%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [setPlaceholders: after] §8[§5IRC§8]%vault_prefix%§8[§7%vault_suffix%%vault_ranksuffix%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [S]Raw message: §8[§5IRC§8]%vault_prefix%§8[§7%vault_suffix%%vault_ranksuffix%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix before: [IRC]
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix after: [IRC]
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Filtering AwesomeBot from §8[§5IRC§8]%vault_prefix%§8[§7%vault_suffix%%vault_ranksuffix%Hawoo§8]: §ftest
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-ess-helpop:false
[17:09:30 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-chat-response:false
What does your PlaceHolderAPI config look like?
# PlaceholderAPI version 2.3.8
# Created by extended_clip
check_updates: true
cloud_enabled: true
injector_enabled: true
'true': 'yes'
'false': 'no'
date_format: MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss
I see that I'm on an old version of placeholderapi, I'll try to update it
Make sure you also have this in the config.yml
vault_perms: true
vault_eco: true
Using PurpleIRC version 1.0-236 and PlaceholderAPI version 2.5.1, I get the same error as before.
placeholderapi config.yml
# PlaceholderAPI version 2.5.1
# Created by extended_clip
check_updates: true
cloud_enabled: true
injector_enabled: true
'true': 'yes'
'false': 'no'
date_format: MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss
thousands: k
trillions: T
quadrillions: Q
billions: B
millions: M
check_interval: 30
vault_perms: true
vault_eco: true
irc debug t message from irc
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] IRC message caught [channel: Channel(name=#channel, channelId=ed3e38bc-ce8c-4a61-93a7-f67fb13a9cbf, dao=com.cnaude.purpleirc.ext.org.pircbotx.UserChannelDao@2f444e87, bot=Version{PurpleIRC v1.0-236, Minecraft IRC integration for CraftBukkit/Spigot servers. - http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/purpleirc.2836/} Connected{true} Server{irc.x2x.cc} Port{6697} Password{}, output=com.cnaude.purpleirc.ext.org.pircbotx.Channel$1@74295bd9, mode=+CMNcnptz, topic=http://website.net/ 10:: Connect to mc.website.net 10:: http://website.net/rules - Remember to read the rules before talking. 10:: !list to display a list of online players 10:: To be able to speak, you need to register your nick with nickserv. /msg nickserv help register 10:: Having trouble? Send a PM to 4Hawoo and wait for an answer, topicTimestamp=1468132465000, createTimestamp=1433594108, topicSetter=Hawoo, moderated=false, noExternalMessages=true, inviteOnly=false, secret=false, channelPrivate=true, topicProtection=true, channelLimit=-1, channelKey=null, modeStale=false, modeLatch=null)] [nick: Hawoo] [[message: asdf]
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Shortify: false
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isValidChannel] [c: #channel] [b: true]
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] processMessage: asdf
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] commandPrefix.length(): 1
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Message dispatched for broadcast...
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-chat:false
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-console-chat:false
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-hero-chat:false
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-venture-chat:true
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC1 => Global
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC3 => Global
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Help
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Trade
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Staff
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Admin
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Global
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Network
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Donator
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HT => Local
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] HC4 => Global
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] broadcastChat [VC]: Global: §8[§5IRC§8]%vault_prefix%§8[§7%vault_suffix%%vault_ranksuffix%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Checking for exact player matching Hawoo
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Checking for exact player matching Hawoo
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Tokenizing Hawoo
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] player: null
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 7
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 8
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldAlias: worldName => world
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldAlias: alias => Builder
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldColor: worldName => world
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] getWorldColor: color => §b
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 9
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 10
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 11
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 12
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 13
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] playerTokenizer: 14
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [setPlaceholders: before] §8[§5IRC§8]%vault_prefix%§8[§7%vault_suffix%%vault_ranksuffix%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [setPlaceholders: after] §8[§5IRC§8]%vault_prefix%§8[§7%vault_suffix%%vault_ranksuffix%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [S]Raw message: §8[§5IRC§8]%vault_prefix%§8[§7%vault_suffix%%vault_ranksuffix%%NAME%§8]: §f%MESSAGE%
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix before: [IRC]
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] customPrefix after: [IRC]
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] Filtering AwesomeBot from §8[§5IRC§8]%vault_prefix%§8[§7%vault_suffix%%vault_ranksuffix%Hawoo§8]: §fasdf
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-ess-helpop:false
[16:31:35 INFO]: [PurpleIRC] [DEBUG] [isMessageEnabled] #channel:irc-chat-response:false
irc hooks
[16:32:35 INFO]: -----[ PurpleIRC - Plugin Hooks ]-----
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [Herochat]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [GriefPrevention]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [TitanChat]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [Y] [VentureChat] [v2.9.8]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [Prism]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [RedditStream]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [TownyChat]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [CleverNotch]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [mcMMO]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [FactionChat]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [AdminPrivateChat]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [CommandBook]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [Jobs]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [DeathMessages]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [Shortify]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [dynmap]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [OreBroadcast]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [Y] [VanishNoPacket] [v3.20]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [SuperVanish]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [SuperVanish]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [ReportRTS]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [SimpleTicketManager]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [N] [NTheEndAgain]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [Y] [Essentials] [vTeamCity]
[16:32:35 INFO]: [Y] [PlaceholderAPI] [v2.5.1]
[16:32:35 INFO]: -------------------------------------