Cameron Napolitano
Cameron Napolitano
Currently, Playnite Sounds is unable to behave as needed, such as muting when videos are playing audio. Providing a View themes could load to control Music in place of the...
With the addition of multiple songs on the way, downloading multiple songs or an entire album might be a good option. This depends on being implemented for proper functionality.
After creating and playing the library from vlc for a bit, I realised a built-in music browser/player might be neat. It would function similar to how a normal music...
I've noticed while browsing through titles that certain songs that start rather loud or immediate can get annoying when passed quickly over. The option to delay the sound by a...
Thought this would be an interesting/quirky feature to have. Instead of playing the default background music, a random song from any of the available games is selected and played. Would...
If the user is not manually selecting the song or album, then songs should be download in batches asynchronously rather than one at a time. Batch size will depend on...
I think a strength of the plugin is a way to share library info with others. However, there are some fields that are not relevant and clutter up game pages...
Integrating ExtraMetaDataLoader assets (particularly video) would help get a better sense of games in a more organic manner than clinking an associated link.
If a group name happens to contain a single quote (i.e. "Beat 'em up"), It is unable to collapse. Removing any reference of the quote fixes the issue. My guess...