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Need help in ecs fargate terraform code with task schedular
I'm really appreciate the way the terraform code is written for ecs fargate,,, here i have some confusion to use for my requirement as below
I need help in terraform code to create task scheduler in ecs type fargate with schedule expression as my task runs once in 24 hrs. i have my existing iam role and policies with me and i want to use those role and custom and standard policy as task role and ecs task execution role and deploy the schedule task in ecs.
could you please help to this code
Many thanks
Hi @jashvadevops, how are you? Have you checked this module: ecs-fargate-scheduled-task? Let me know if that suits your needs or if you need anything else.
Hi @jnonino thanks a lot for asking, and I'm doing good. Hope you are doing well.
Thanks again for vey quick response.
Yes I went through it but I have little confusion where in my case I'm using azure devops pipeline instead running in terraform code in Jenkins or running terraform commands in locally. so I have folder structure like as below in my azure devops pipeline
so I'm confused how can I split your code to make use for my folder structure as I need below folders
- container definition
- ecs task role/ecs task execution role ( want to pass existing role arn and existing policy both standard policy arn and customer inline policy which is already created in aws console)
- task scheduler
kindly help
Thanks in advance