
Results 31 issues of Entropy

或者纯 token 模式,这样就可以用于任何客户端了。


或者纯 token 模式,这样就可以用于任何客户端了。


If use the ignorePropertyNotFound() method, an exception will occur. ```java final ConnectedCrud crud = JdbcMapperFactory.newInstance() .ignorePropertyNotFound() .crud(Demo.class, Long.class) .table(pg, "demo"); ``` ``` java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No constructor available for class java.lang.Long at...

simpleflatmapper.version:8.2.3 ```java import lombok.Data; import org.simpleflatmapper.map.annotation.Column; @Data public class GenGrid { @Column("gird_x") private int gridX; @Column("gird_y") private int gridY; } ``` ```java CsvWriter writer = CsvWriter.from(GenGrid.class) .to(appendable); GenGrid value =...

Support for annotations: `org.springframework.data.relational.core.mapping.Column` `org.springframework.data.relational.core.mapping.Table`

spring-graphql annotations `@GraphQlController`, `@QueryMapping`, `@SubscriptionMapping`, `@MutationMapping`.


### Subject of the feature 能否将 components 组件提取为单独的 npm 组件库。 或者将 components 组件存放到单独的 git 仓库,然后以子仓库的方式引入,这样方便用户单独更新 components 组件。 ### Problem If the feature requests relates to a problem, please describe the...

部署一个 web 版的话,基本处于裸奔状态。