FFmpeg.NET copied to clipboard
Generation of video thumbnail makes ffmpeg spawn 6mb-sized processes infinitely
I am following a posted example to generate poster frame for an mp4 video of 50 megabytes in size (without using direct reference to ffmpeg executable). I am using ffmpeg 4.3.1. and this is the only installed version.
var inputFile = new MediaFile (@"C:\Path\To_Video.flv");
var outputFile = new MediaFile (@"C:\Path\To_Save_Image.jpg");
var ffmpeg = new Engine();
// Saves the frame located on the 15th second of the video.
var options = new ConversionOptions { Seek = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15) };
await ffmpeg.GetThumbnailAsync(inputFile, outputFile, options);
The above code results into infinite loop somewhere in ffmpeg on the last line. At the same time command below works perfectly, so ffmpeg should not be an issue.
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:05.01 -i random.mp4 -frames:v 1 myimage.jpg
By any chance does anyone have an idea what I might be doing wrong? Is this a library-related issue or an issue related to ffmpeg executable?
@aignatovich how about instead of using await, use Task.Run to run your code in a async thread and once you get your thumbnail, try to stop/dispose/null the ffmpeg var.