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[L1T] Fix for is not a valid DT id error
PR description:
This PR fixes a small bug in the DT L1T Phase2 emulator which prevents processing Slice Test data giving the following error when non valid subdetetcor IDs are unpacked (e.g.):
"det: 15 subdet: 7 is not a valid DT id"
PR validation:
Tested with Slice test 2024 real data,
cms-bot internal usage
type bug-fix
- This PR adds an extra 16KB to repository
A new Pull Request was created by @jfernan2 for master.
It involves the following packages:
- L1Trigger/DTTriggerPhase2 (l1, upgrade)
@cmsbuild, @srimanob, @subirsarkar, @epalencia, @aloeliger can you please review it and eventually sign? Thanks. @missirol, @Martin-Grunewald, @battibass, @JanFSchulte this is something you requested to watch as well. @sextonkennedy, @rappoccio, @antoniovilela you are the release manager for this.
cms-bot commands are listed here
Please test
COMMIT: 405332a1934ecab210919dc113217f52a110c242
CMSSW: CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-03-14-2300/el8_amd64_gcc12
User test area: For local testing, you can use /cvmfs/
to create a dev area with all the needed externals and cmssw changes.
Comparison Summary
- You potentially added 215 lines to the logs
- Reco comparison results: 64 differences found in the comparisons
- DQMHistoTests: Total files compared: 48
- DQMHistoTests: Total histograms compared: 3297383
- DQMHistoTests: Total failures: 1364
- DQMHistoTests: Total nulls: 0
- DQMHistoTests: Total successes: 3295999
- DQMHistoTests: Total skipped: 20
- DQMHistoTests: Total Missing objects: 0
- DQMHistoSizes: Histogram memory added: 0.0 KiB( 47 files compared)
- Checked 202 log files, 165 edm output root files, 48 DQM output files
- TriggerResults: no differences found
@jfernan2 Could you really quickly just for my edification tell me what the issue was and what this solution is? It's a real simple 1 line thing I'm fine signing and taking you at your word that it solves the issue, but I don't understand the before/after here.
Hi @aloeliger This is a Phase-2 issue: the L1T emulator crashes for some detector IDs since there was no check on the new unpacker. The error message is the one mentioned in the description. "det: 15 subdet: 7 is not a valid DT id" It was found now when comparing unpacked data from the DT slice test with emulated data. It is indeed a real simple 1 line thing. Hope it is clearer now Thanks
This pull request is fully signed and it will be integrated in one of the next master IBs (tests are also fine). This pull request will now be reviewed by the release team before it's merged. @sextonkennedy, @rappoccio, @antoniovilela (and backports should be raised in the release meeting by the corresponding L2)