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Run3-alca226 Update the macros to e used for Run3 analysis of hadron calorimeter calibration data with isolated muons
PR description:
Update the macros to e used for Run3 analysis of HCAL calibration data with isolated muons
PR validation:
Use the macros to analyze Run3 calibration data
If this PR is a backport please specify the original PR and why you need to backport that PR. If this PR will be backported please specify to which release cycle the backport is meant for:
Nothing special
- This PR adds an extra 44KB to repository
Code check has found code style and quality issues which could be resolved by applying following patch(s)
curl -k | patch -p1
You can also runscram build code-format
to apply code format directly
@cmsbuild Please test
- This PR adds an extra 44KB to repository
A new Pull Request was created by @bsunanda (Sunanda Banerjee) for master.
It involves the following packages:
- Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos (alca)
@malbouis, @yuanchao, @saumyaphor4252, @francescobrivio, @ChrisMisan, @tvami can you please review it and eventually sign? Thanks. @mmusich, @tocheng this is something you requested to watch as well. @perrotta, @dpiparo, @qliphy, @rappoccio you are the release manager for this.
cms-bot commands are listed here
type hcal
@bsunanda please squash the commits
COMMIT: 592b4a940ecd991a4c0ddd8c3965766aafb7b87a
CMSSW: CMSSW_12_5_X_2022-08-15-1100/el8_amd64_gcc10
User test area: For local testing, you can use /cvmfs/
to create a dev area with all the needed externals and cmssw changes.
Comparison Summary
- No significant changes to the logs found
- Reco comparison results: 4 differences found in the comparisons
- DQMHistoTests: Total files compared: 51
- DQMHistoTests: Total histograms compared: 3692476
- DQMHistoTests: Total failures: 8
- DQMHistoTests: Total nulls: 0
- DQMHistoTests: Total successes: 3692446
- DQMHistoTests: Total skipped: 22
- DQMHistoTests: Total Missing objects: 0
- DQMHistoSizes: Histogram memory added: 0.0 KiB( 50 files compared)
- Checked 212 log files, 49 edm output root files, 51 DQM output files
- TriggerResults: no differences found
@bsunanda I have a couple comments for possible future improvements of the code, they're applying to the whole HcalCalibAlgos.
There is a lot of code which abuses if statement, this can all go into one loop:
There is no reason why those kind of variables shouldn't be an array:
There's a lot of commented lines which doesn't make sense syntax-wise when uncommented:
Instead of using preprocessor directives you should consider using a flag exposed to the python configuration:
There is a lot of memory management issues, for example in this file:
maybe it'd be better to use smart pointers instead of manually managing the memory?
Please consider using unordered sets and maps when ordering is not necessary:
Initializations could be inlined:
There are comments which are misleading or incorrect:
@ChrisMisan I am squashing this right now. I shall slowly update the other parts as pointed out by you
- This PR adds an extra 8KB to repository
Pull request #39063 was updated. @malbouis, @yuanchao, @cmsbuild, @saumyaphor4252, @francescobrivio, @ChrisMisan, @tvami can you please check and sign again.
@cmsbuild Please test
COMMIT: fb3e72d8b55a378b97f1b5699241cb8b9152ca97
CMSSW: CMSSW_12_5_X_2022-08-16-2300/el8_amd64_gcc10
User test area: For local testing, you can use /cvmfs/
to create a dev area with all the needed externals and cmssw changes.
Comparison Summary
- No significant changes to the logs found
- Reco comparison results: 2 differences found in the comparisons
- DQMHistoTests: Total files compared: 51
- DQMHistoTests: Total histograms compared: 3692500
- DQMHistoTests: Total failures: 8
- DQMHistoTests: Total nulls: 0
- DQMHistoTests: Total successes: 3692470
- DQMHistoTests: Total skipped: 22
- DQMHistoTests: Total Missing objects: 0
- DQMHistoSizes: Histogram memory added: 0.0 KiB( 50 files compared)
- Checked 212 log files, 49 edm output root files, 51 DQM output files
- TriggerResults: no differences found
- PR in line with the description
- differences in MTD and msgLogger
This pull request is fully signed and it will be integrated in one of the next master IBs (tests are also fine). This pull request will now be reviewed by the release team before it's merged. @perrotta, @dpiparo, @qliphy, @rappoccio (and backports should be raised in the release meeting by the corresponding L2)