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Build libvpx for android

Build libvpx for Android

libraryversionplatform supportarch support
libvpx1.10.0androidarmeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64

Build For Android

  • Note: Please refer to https://github.com/cmeng-git/atalk-android/tree/master/aTalk/jni for the latest updated scripts and build instructions. This repository is not further maintained since v1.1.7.
  • Follow the instructions below to build libvpx for android
  • aTalk v2.6.1 release is compatible with libvpx-1.10.0 (use android-ndk-r18b)
  • aTalk v1.8.2 release is compatible with libvpx-1.8.0 (must use android-ndk-r17c or lower)
  • aTalk v2.3.2 release uses libvpx-1.8.2 (work with android-ndk-r17c or android-ndk-r18b)
    Following problem has been fixed with inclusion of configure option --disable-avx2
    see https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webm/issues/detail?id=1623#c1
    i.e.: The compiled libjnvpx.so for aTalk has a problem when exec on x86_64 android platform (libvpx asm source errors):
    org.atalk.android A/libc: Fatal signal 31 (SIGSYS), code 1 in tid 5833 (Loop thread: ne), pid 4781 (g.atalk.android)
  • For armeabi-v7a build, need to add --disable-neon-asm for libvpx v1.8.2, otherwise:
    --clang70: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    --./lib/crtbegin_dynamic.o: crtbegin.c:function _start_main: error: undefined reference to 'main'
    --make[1]: *** [vpx_dsp/arm/intrapred_neon_asm.asm.S.o] Error 1
    --make[1]: *** [vpx_dsp/arm/vpx_convolve_copy_neon_asm.asm.S.o] Error 1
  • When you first exec build-libvpx4android.sh, it applies the required patches to libvpx
    Note: the patches defined in libvpx_patch.sh is for libvpx-1.8.0+, libvpx-1.7.0 and libvpx-1.6.1+

The ./build-libvpx4android.sh script builds the static libvpx.a for the various architectures as defined in ./_settings.sh
i.e. ABIS=("armeabi-v7a" "arm64-v8a" "x86" "x86_64")
All the built libvpx.a and *.h are installed in the ./android/<ABI>/lib and include respectively

Android libvpx build instructions:

## Use Android NDK: android-ndk-r18b (libvpx v1.8.2)
export ANDROID_NDK=/opt/android/android-ndk-r18b

## setup the required libvpx; default "libvpx-1.10.0" or change LIB_GIT in ./init_libvpx.sh
Optional as next command will load the source if not found or incorrect version, and applied the patches if any
## use one of the following to build libvpx i.e.
a. for all the ABI's defined in _settings.sh

b. for a specific <ABI>
./build-libvpx4android.sh <ABI>

The build installs the static libs and includes into the android project jni directory
 i.e. aTalk/jni/vpx/android/\<ABI>

Copy the static libs and includes in ./output/android/<ABI> directories to the android project jni directory i.e. aTalk/jni/vpx/android/<ABI>

Note: 20210517: For all future update, please refer to atalk-android static_library_build/libvpx scripts

## Standalone toolchains work for ABIS=("arm64-v8a" "x86" "x86_64")
ABIS "armeabi-v7a" has errors for libvpx-1.8.0 i.e.
clang50: error: unsupported option '--defsym'
clang50: error: no such file or directory: 'ARCHITECTURE=7'

The above problem is fixed in libvpx-1.8.2 (standalone toolChanins only: sdk-path option is removed)

All information given below is for reference only. See aTalk/jni for its implementation.


Android.mk makefile - for other project

Add libvpx include path to jni/Android.mk.


include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := libvpx
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := Your libVPX Library Path/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/libvpx.a

LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/Your libvpx Include Path/libvpx


ffmpeg, android static library for aTalk VoIP and Instant Messaging client

Copyright 2016 Eng Chong Meng
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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