Eng ChongMeng

Results 70 comments of Eng ChongMeng

I have started a new development on aTalk application – a fork from the jisti-android. If you are interested, you may download the apk from the following site. Date: Sat...

The error may also be due to 64K limit exceeded on android. The jitsi-android source does not support multi-dex build. Note that java.awt and javax.swing are not supported on Android....

No, aTalk source is still not available online. Actually I am in the mid of talking to some org to get atalk release. Meantime I am still cleaning up the...

Would you like to try this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.atalk.android&hl=en

The original jitsi-android uses code from jitsi which make reference to awt and swings which are not available on Android platform. The developers of the jitsi-android do not include the...

It is in the Account Setting -> Connection Settings (Override server default options) I have started a new development on aTalk application – a fork from the jisti-android. If you...

The Multiplexing RTP Data and Control Packets on a Single Port (April 2010), seems to propose it too to be included in transport https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5761 (5.1.3. Interactions with ICE)

> Note that jitsi-videobridge does not use XEP-167. It uses COLIBRI, which reuses a lot of XEP-167, but is technically different. Thanks for the clarification. FYI: conversations sends \ as...

I have tested many android devices including API-27 (Pixel 4), with debug message added into the source. if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { boolean enable = ValueAnimator.areAnimatorsEnabled(); Timber.e("Animation Enable: %s", enable);...

On aTalk initial launch, the app will check and put aTalk in whitelist to REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS (See PermissionsActivity.java source for detail implementations) i.e. not to put aTalk into sleep when android...