Eng ChongMeng
Eng ChongMeng
When the option is enabled, it does not return upon executed conn.getContent() or throw exception even after a long wait; although it seems to have set a 500mS timeout on...
The above two timer settings do not work for android aTalk. It seems that it requires java 1.8 and is not available in android OS.
The problem is observed on aTalk, development is on Ubuntu 22.04. Jitsi desktop failed to install on this ubuntu platform. When using virtualBox, Jitsi cannot recognise the pass-through camera device....
After further investigation, below are my findings that give rise to the problems: When the android mobile APN is set to IPv4/IPv6, it is found that all the user defined...
Found the solution with implementing the following function in IceUdpTransportManager. ``` /** * Generate a list of TransportAddress from the given hostname, port and transport. * The given host name...
A bit of aTalk development history. aTalk app development started way back in 2014, where the source was first forked from jitsi-android. At that time, the jitsi-android is still an...
I have done a local build on the latest pull-in sources. the whole build was OK, except in Checkstyle with errors in the import statements e.g.: ``` 'org.jxmpp.jid.Jid' should be...
FYI: All the other jingle classes in jingle_rtp package that perform similar functions as the original jitsi-android, have been rewritten to confirm to smack standard implementation using builder approach. The...
I strong agree JIngle implementation is a complex task. I have reservation aTalk pull request will fully accepted by smack team immediately; but hopefully give someone a reference base, and...
Updated the patch for smack-4.4.0-alpha3 (20200404) for your reference. [ChatStateManager.zip](https://github.com/igniterealtime/Smack/files/4490891/ChatStateManager.zip)