Eng ChongMeng
Eng ChongMeng
I just made a simulation of missing 'make' command; found that the build script does not throw any failure but just report missing make command and proceed. To ensure aTalk...
The error message indicates that there is an error in the OMEMO database record, where the fingerPrint table column contains no data i.e. null. Currently in OMEMO protocol implementations, there...
To support OMEMO messaging, each newly registered android OMEMO device creates and saves its omemo data into ejabberd pubsub_node table on the server. The table contains the bundles and devicelist;...
Just realised that all my comments after 22 July date, following your last comment, do not appear in this discussion thread. Do not understand why this happen. In short, I...
I need the aTalk debug log that contains the process flow when the problem occur. Please refer to the following info to generate and send the aTalk debug log. [How...
Thanks for your contribution. I have manually pulled in all the source changes for the next aTalk release.
I have continue your question in its original thread.
> But I still can't get ICE4J to use TLS, DTLS. Just checked in the source with ice4j-2.0.0-20181024.160538-12 upgraded to the latest ice4j-2.0.0-20190607.184546-36. No sure if this helps in TLS...
I have started the discussion on a new thread: https://github.com/cmeng-git/atalk-android/issues/168
Yes, actually I already did that, and it works. But isn't that the system should not hangs even with the option disabled, at least it should auto exit on timeout?