Chris Marrin
Chris Marrin
It would be nice to see growl notifications to alert when a file conversion completes or fails, or any other kind of situations which may call for a notification.
Mainly, the idea would be to support the *.EyeTV files that Elgato's EyeTV software creates. Again, I think Elgato would be happy to help out, and those of us who...
Current the scraper picks up show name, season and episode from file name such as "Show name S01E01" Could also implement a scraper that adds support for files name like...
Would like to disable the auto lookup of metadata. If the auto lookup is disabled a way of initiating the lookup manually would be nice.
please allow for adjustable aspect ratio by designating our own specific width and height for each movie in queue. Of course, cropping capability would also be nice.
Allow files with 5.1 surround sound to be converted correctly (i.e. AC3 passthrough). From the original source code handover notes: For QuickTime files, the Apple TV recognizes AC3 data with...
when adding videos to videomonkey's "Drop section" it takes the program about 15 seconds to recognize i dropped the files and about 3-5 seconds to add each file into the...
I have a quicktime slide show that performs miserably on Windows machines. I'd like to convert it to a video as Windows Media Player. Video monkey just gives me grayed...