Calum MacRae

Results 49 comments of Calum MacRae

@domtronn Not meaning to pester, just a polite notice that I'm also seeing this and reported it in a separate issue: #59 (duplicate which is now closed, but the info...

@domtronn Sounds annoyingly fiddly! Cheers for the update. Hopefully it's not too much of a headache 😅

Using a bit config like this, I can `M-x mu4e-dashboard-show` to start my mail flow. ```elisp (use-package mu4e-dashboard :ensure nil :load-path "~/src/" :custom (mu4e-dashboard-file "~/org/") :bind (:map mu4e-main-mode-map ("C-;" ....

Ah great, I'll rebase that PR's branch onto mine 👍 As for multiple dashboards, I think that might be possible 🤔 I'll have a play around - what sort of...

I've implemented a rough draft of what I think should fit the desired functionality here in #18 :)

I'm not sure if this potentially fits in as part of this work, but I'd love to be able to have the URL be copied to the killring when creating...

I'd also love to see this. In the meantime, I'm using a combination of `lifecycle` to "protect" certain resources, and targeting like so: ``` terraform plan -destroy $(for r in...

Nice one @larstvei - I might see if I'm able to start on it, though my grasp of elisp (or lisps in general) is loose! Of course, I wouldn't expect...

Hey @leosolid 👋 Thanks for raising this. Yes, there are no events considered in the event loop for space creation/destruction at the moment. spacebar's development has been placed on hold...

Hey @24unix 👋 Sorry for the delayed response on this. It seems I wasn't getting notifications for a while and I've been otherwise occupied. Nice idea for a feature! I'll...