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Tool to collect cyber attack events that Norse tracks ( and persist it into locally running MongoDB instance that can be later used for analysis

Build Status

Cyber Attack Event Collector

Tool to collect and persist cyber attack events that Norse tracks ( into a locally running MongoDB instance. The purpose of collecting these events is to use them for analysis by downstream tools like Spark and/or R/Python to train a model that classify IP traffic as malicious

Development Instructions

The Cyber Attack Event Collector Tool was built and tested on a Mac OSX 10.10.4 and requires the following dependencies to run:

  • Java SE 7 (1.7.0_71)
  • Mongo DB version 3.0.5
  • Apache Maven 3.3.3

Once you have installed the above dependencies, you can build the tool by running the following:

mvn clean install

This should build the shaded Jar (binary) needed to run the tool under the target/ folder. After which you can run the tool by issuing the following command in the command line:

java -cp target/cyberattack-event-collector.jar events.EventCollector

Build Docker Container

If you want the build and run the Docker container you can issue the following commands:


Make sure that you have you have the following directory pre-created first on your host:


Run Docker container directly

You can also directly pull and run the docker from the docker hub by issuing:

sudo docker pull cloudronin/cyberattack-event-collector
sudo docker run -d -v /opt/mongodb:/data/db -p 27017:27017 cloudronin/cyberattack-event-collector