cyberattack-event-collector copied to clipboard
Tool to collect cyber attack events that Norse tracks ( and persist it into locally running MongoDB instance that can be later used for analysis
Cyber Attack Event Collector
Tool to collect and persist cyber attack events that Norse tracks ( into a locally running MongoDB instance. The purpose of collecting these events is to use them for analysis by downstream tools like Spark and/or R/Python to train a model that classify IP traffic as malicious
Development Instructions
The Cyber Attack Event Collector Tool was built and tested on a Mac OSX 10.10.4 and requires the following dependencies to run:
- Java SE 7 (1.7.0_71)
- Mongo DB version 3.0.5
- Apache Maven 3.3.3
Once you have installed the above dependencies, you can build the tool by running the following:
mvn clean install
This should build the shaded Jar (binary) needed to run the tool under the target/ folder. After which you can run the tool by issuing the following command in the command line:
java -cp target/cyberattack-event-collector.jar events.EventCollector
Build Docker Container
If you want the build and run the Docker container you can issue the following commands:
Make sure that you have you have the following directory pre-created first on your host:
Run Docker container directly
You can also directly pull and run the docker from the docker hub by issuing:
sudo docker pull cloudronin/cyberattack-event-collector
sudo docker run -d -v /opt/mongodb:/data/db -p 27017:27017 cloudronin/cyberattack-event-collector