terraform-aws-tfstate-backend copied to clipboard
Using this module without without specifying an external context label module generates invalid resource names
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Describe the Bug
When creating buckets with replication without specifying an external context label
variable (note it's not mandatory on this module), like this:
data "aws_caller_identity" "current" {}
locals {
default_tags = {
"omd_environment" : var.environment,
"creator_arn" : data.aws_caller_identity.current.arn,
module "terraform_state_backend" {
source = "cloudposse/tfstate-backend/aws"
version = "v0.38.1"
providers = {
aws = aws.one
s3_bucket_name = var.bucket_name
dynamodb_table_name = var.dynamodb_table_name
dynamodb_enabled = true
enable_server_side_encryption = true
billing_mode = "PAY_PER_REQUEST"
force_destroy = true
s3_replication_enabled = true
s3_replica_bucket_arn = module.terraform_state_backend_replication.s3_bucket_arn
tags = local.default_tags
module "terraform_state_backend_replication" {
source = "cloudposse/tfstate-backend/aws"
version = "v0.38.1"
providers = {
aws = aws.other
s3_bucket_name = "${var.bucket_name}-replica"
force_destroy = true
dynamodb_enabled = false
tags = local.default_tags
some resource names are being evaluated to invalid strings:
iam role
name gets evaluated to an invalid string:
+ resource "aws_iam_role" "replication" {
+ arn = (known after apply)
+ name = "-replication"
iam policy
gets evaluated to invalid string :
+ resource "aws_iam_policy" "replication" {
+ name = "-replication"
- replication rule id gets an empty value:
dynamic "replication_configuration" {
for_each = var.s3_replication_enabled ? toset([var.s3_replica_bucket_arn]) : []
content {
role = aws_iam_role.replication[0].arn
rules {
id = module.this.id
Expected Behavior
Replication resource names use the same logic as the bucket name:
bucket_name = var.s3_bucket_name != "" ? var.s3_bucket_name : module.this.id
iam role
name use the same logic as bucket name. -
iam policy
use the same logic as bucket name. -
replication rule id use the same logic as bucket name.