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Support for KUBECONFIG
uses the KUBECONFIG environment variable. It would be great if kube-shell would honor it as well.
About KUBECONFIG: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-access-multiple-clusters/#set-the-kubeconfig-environment-variable
Current behavior:
~> kube-shell
Kube-shell uses ~/.kube/config for server side completion. Could not find ~/.kube/config. Server side completion functionality may not work.
Expected behavior:
kube-shell follows path(s) as defined in $KUBECONFIG.
This is much needed.. In the meantime.. A symlink work
kubectl can actually function perfectly well if the value of KUBECONFIG is also a list of kubectl config files, not necessarily just one. It would be ideal if this tool could support that use case too.
@marcosamorim can this issue be closed?
I'm not the one who actually opened, but I don't see why not. :) Thanks for merging the PR btw
@murali-reddy, I am sorry but I can't switch context when I use variable KUBECONFIG, like: export KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/.kube/first:${HOME}/.kube/second It always on first(