codeignitor-authorizenet-cim-library copied to clipboard
A Codeignitor library to handle CIM API calls
In the line 733 & 736 (AuthorizeCimLib.php file), CURL_EXEC is called twice which caused to charge the customer twice. Simply, you can check $this->_response == false if you want to...
$ch is unnecessarily passed through curl_exec() twice, should be checking the response from the previous curl_exec call instead. Had a problem with this back when Authorize.NET changed their network to...
I would like to know if you can void transactions with the CIM library. That would be a cool feature .
If it is set to FALSE, then we are in "Production" mode. However, if it's set to FALSE, then it never passes the if() statement and never initializes.
If $config['authorizenettestmode'] = FALSE; or it is not set then how does we initialize the object? - It never passes the if statement. if($this->_CI->config->item('authorizenetname') && $this->_CI->config->item('authorizenetkey') && $this->_CI->config->item('authorizenettestmode')) { $this->initialize($this->_CI->config->item('authorizenetname'),...
in the read me: "To make a credit card transaction you need to set the customer profile, payment profile, shipping profile then create a transaction profile." - i think you...