cloudinary_gem icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cloudinary_gem copied to clipboard

Incorrect documentation for ActiveStorage integration (Rails 6.1.4)

Open EmCousin opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments


First, thank you for this gem.

I've been using Cloudinary along with ActiveStorage on a project, and I figured the documentation is incorrect when it comes to generate Cloudinary URLs for ActiveStorage attachments using the cl_image_tag and cloudinary_url helpers.


  • Ruby 2.7
  • Rails 6.1.4
  • Cloudinary : 1.21.0 (latest stable version as of this issue's creation date)

The problem

The current documentation explains you just need to pass the ActiveStorage::Attached instance as the first argument to the helper :

<%= cloudinary_url(@user.avatar, width: 300, height: 200, crop: :scale, effect: "cartoonify") %>

From my understanding, this calls cloudinary_url_internal which, when using ActiveStorage, is overriden here:

def cloudinary_url_internal(source, options = {})
    source = ActiveStorage::Blob.service.public_id(source) if defined? ActiveStorage::Blob.service.public_id
    cloudinary_url_internal_original(source, options)

public_id is defined here and seems to expect a key rather than the ActiveStorage source.

Because of this, cloudinary_url returns an invalid URL that looks like this:,e_cartoonify,h_200,w_300/%23%3CActiveStorage::Attached::One:0x00007ff74ec1b3d8%3E


Turns out you can work around the problem by passing the ActiveStorage source's key instead :

<%= cloudinary_url(@user.avatar.key, width: 300, height: 200, crop: :scale, effect: "cartoonify") %>


Is the documentation actually incorrect and should the key be passed as described above in the workaround, or should the code be modified to actually expect an ActiveStorage source ?


EmCousin avatar Aug 25 '21 13:08 EmCousin

@EmCousin Thank you for reporting this, you are correct. I will have our docs team update it.

d-mendoza avatar Aug 25 '21 21:08 d-mendoza

The documentation has been updated. Closing this issue. Thanks!

EmCousin avatar Jan 02 '23 10:01 EmCousin